Sunday 11 May 2014

I Refuse To Give Up.

I have this crazy idea. It is quite crazy and surreal, but I have this idea that one day, I will meet this person who will understand me like no one else and who will love me for who I am and not in spite of who I am. I have this idea that my life will be grand, and it will be like I have always dreamt it would be. I can not figure out when I started believing in this dream or when I came up with it, but it is here and laugh if you want, but I know it will happen one day.
The people around me feel I need a reality check, and I need to wake up from this fairy tale life. The people around me want me to believe in this boring routine-type of life that they intend to have. Well, I pity them. It is not given to every one to have wild dreams and to believe in them. It is not given to everyone to believe that one day even their most surreal dreams will come true.
Ask the dead poets, the romantic novelists, the dreamers; they will all agree that in this boring and typical life we lead, there is nothing more beautiful than having colourful dreams and having wishes that you can believe in, even in the darkest of hours. Why should we settle for a mediocre life when we can dream majestic?
There is no doubt that at one point, in your life, you will feel the boredom and the routine, but the dreams you nurture deep down are going to give you hope and make you extraordinary in this very ordinary life. No, not expectations, dreams. No, not dreams, hopes. Hopes that there will be something better after this, hopes that the things you wish for will be heard somehow by the unseen and will be fulfilled when you least expect it, hopes that you will make a difference and someone else will love you for it.

Gus said, "the world is not a wish granting factory," but it is, the world is a wish granting factory, did he not live his infinite love story with Hazel Grace? Did he not let her love for him hurt her and vice versa? Did he not say he liked the choices he made?
I believe for people who are healthy and have a roof over their head and are not in any kind of pain, that the world is indeed a wish granting factory, because they have the power to make their dreams come true and most importantly, they have the power to still hope because death is not impending.
So, laugh if you want, but I choose to believe in my dreams and in infinite hopes of those dreams coming true and I like my choices. I like that if I get hurt it would be for the right reasons, for the reasons I chose. Because as he put it so poetically, "You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in who [or what] hurts you. I like my choices."