Saturday, 17 March 2012

Don't Worry About People!

Somebody just told me,

"Don't worry about people, they will all die one day!"

Very mean quote, but very true.

We spend our lives worrying about what others might think of us,
We spend our lives worrying about how to get over broken relationships,
We spend our lives regretting the wrong choices we made,

And we don't realise this Life is so short,

We spend our lives worrying about important things,
Important things which compared to this Life,
In the end appear very petty,

We spend our lives taking others for granted,
Wondering if something go wrong,
We shall get over it together,

And we don't realise this Life is so short,

We can not predict the next moment,
Sometimes it feels we do not even have the right to dream about a tomorrow,
We can not even hope for the Sun to rise again,
Nothing lasts forever,

This Life is so short,
It can stop now,
You might be smiling at this very moment,
It takes only one word,
It takes only one action,
It takes only one breath for this smile to turn into a tear,

Live your life to the fullest,
And don't worry about people,
They will all die one day! :)
