Yellow is probably a happy colour,
It gives hope and rays of light,
It fills the heart with a weird peace and a feeling of contentment,
It IS a happy colour,
Yellow rays,
Yellow pillows,
Yellow room,
Yellow curtains,
Yellow flowers..
NO! I never loved yellow,
But it's a happy colour,
And it gives you the impression that everything is good,
It gives you the impression that life is easy and fearless,
It lures you into a strange joyfulness,
It condemns you to be optimistic.
But when the light goes off,
When the darkness takes place,
Even the yellow-est place on earth seems grim,
Even the yellow-est things seems dull,
It gives you the impression..
But the truth is that nothing is peaceful,
Happiness is not forever,
It takes merely some seconds to get back to the dark reality of life,