Sunday 13 July 2014


Samjhawan is on replay.

Sometimes, there are moments in your life- no one else can share. It doesn't matter what you are going through-happiness, victory, loneliness, loss-whatever the emotion is-there are times in life you just feel it is important you go through those particular moments by yourself. Probably because you know once this moment has gone, you will be a different person.
There are times in our lives we believe that going through pain or a big change will alter who we are, but there are times when we can change without any reason- maybe we realise something, or we just feel like it. And those are the moments you can never share with any one else, no matter how close they are to you- you know they won't understand crap and they'll probably not be of any help.
Those moments are the ones we learnt about in class [hello geeky me], being alone without being lonely- finding your way without having anyone holding out a helping hand, being happy without any reasons, crying because you can and you know you need to do it once in a while. Probably, sheer moments of enlightment, where you don't need anyone else, where you don't want anyone else-because you are finally content with your life and you feel complete without the rest of the world by your side.
On a completely different note, Brazil needs to improve-FOOTBALL AND ENTERTAINMENT-wise. Not that I was a fan. Such a shame Robben and the Oranje couldn't make it to the final, but yeah, #ComeonGermany!
Banana x