Thursday 20 October 2011

The living Years.

I hate my life atm.
I have thousands of things to do plus I have tests and assignments which are SO not my priorities.

AH! I hate how I feel like blogging in the middle of complex revision about Social Behaviours and what not -.-

Last week I decided I hated my life and what I was doing,
I hated that I was going to be a Psy and that I was going to die single. [It is a joke,really, because I have a boyfriend -.- (YEAH ANII.YEAH.)]
And then I sat down and looked back on things,
I knew then that it was not the Life I chose,
I never chose to stay here and become THIS.
I chose to move forward and become some one else,
I chose to give up on numerous things and grow up,
I chose  to be somewhere else with other people,
I chose to be another person,
Not the one I am right now,

But of course Destiny can be a bitch! =]
I stayed back and became this girl who wakes up every morning and starts rummaging her closet to find the perfect clothes for a horrible day (:
I became this girl who smiles on her way to that class she HATES from the bottom of her heart =P

I became this girl who complains no more about how horrible that place can be and puts up with it and the GANA people you can meet there -.-

I became this girl who does not totally depicts the real ME,
I became this girl who I could never even think I could be,
I became this girl who people randomly remember because they are busy with their lives and she is left on her own to deal with this world!

Whoever I am,

Is not who I chose to be,
Is not who I was years back,
But sometimes, they say, Destiny knows best,
So, prolly, I became who I was supposed to become,
I just don't know it yet,
Or I just can't figure out why yet,
But someday I will,
Till then,

Have an amazing Summer =P [I already feel like we are going to have 500 days of Summer -.- I HATE Summer :) Days are too long, Nights too short, Can't have proper bangs-keep sweating, Need to wear clothes I hate, Hair keeps wanting to commit suicide : Basically, SUMMER is HELL! :)]



Sonia said...

I know these days! Feel better <3