Thursday 23 October 2014

Choose to be happy!

Life is short, grow up before you miss out on the things that matter. The things that are worth fighting for; the things that we are going to look back on and remember. Not everything or every bond last for ever; but everything and every one we meet leave a mark on us; a mark that we are going to carry with us for the rest of our lives. But why should we? Why should we carry with us the mark someone else left on our existence? Why should we let other people in to such an extent that they mark us for life?
Probably because we are humans, and we love other human beings-and love is the best thing we do. So, in all this madness, the confusion between love and hate; why don't we choose to just carry the best things we have with us on our journey of life? Why don't we choose the things that really matter-a smile that helped us make it through the day, a word of faith that made us believe again when we were lost, a smell that reminded us that everything about this life-no matter how big or small-is beautiful and it's worth the fight and the pain!
I realised pain occupies a lot more space in our lives than happiness, and even if some of us are able to hide it deep within our souls, it comes back from time to time to haunt us. Many decided to embrace the pain and let it lead the way. But the only wise thing to do is to let it come back from time to time; because whenever it comes back, it teaches you something new, it reminds you of how strong you are and it helps you make better decision.
So, don't embrace your pain, don't carry with you a mark that someone left on your soul; choose to carry only the things that matter and choose to be the bigger person, choose to grow up because life is short and you don't want to miss out on what really matters.