Wednesday 22 September 2010

Scattered Curve -.-"

I miss you.

I feel like singing the famous : "Yeh tipti tipti ankhein ♫ Tourourou Tourourou *danser*"

I love how i can come up with such awww lyrics.

Who's Tipti?
A guy.
Who's NOT small.
Who does not have a Salman-like body.
Who's basically sweet and nice.

Yes! Tipti is my new craze.
No! I do not have a crush on him.
It's just so fun to "tipti" him all the time.
You would not understand if you are a boring creature.

Skip Tipti.

They seriously need to get a life.

I am tired.Big times.
Why don't we have those metros whatever in MRU? -.-"
I hate those Buses.
I hate the people in them.
I hate guys.Seriously.

UoM so lacks of single boys.
Wherever I go, I see the same faces.
My friends, my best-friends, my friends' boyfriends, exes, brothers. WTH?

I need to get a life.
I am growing so fat.
Blame UoM.

Part of this post was written yesterday.
Today is a new day.
I miss fighting with you.

Someday i will overcome.

ZOu .x.

I didn't write anything actually.WTF :)
I am feeling sleepy. Big times.
I want to dance.yay!
I hate people.
They need to go to hell.
I still love you.
What the hell?
Today we learned a new thing-when you are stressful, take a sheet of paper and write whatever comes to your mind. I am doing the same thing.
The only difference is that i am writing on my blog instead.
I want chocolate.
And milk.
I want POiss.NOW.
I wished all the bitches in the world would die like NOOOOOOOOW!
I wished UoM was bigger.
Actually, I wished UoM was smaller.
No, I wished UoM never existed.
I want Jab We Met.
I love roses.
I miss our shitty convos.
I SO miss us.

Okay-I think i need to go to bed.
Good Night :)