February ♥
The only month I love and I hate.
I Love February because of my birthday.
I Hate February because of Valentines Day.
Dear People,
This year I'll turn 20. And I feel younger than ever. (:
I will no more be a teen and somehow I know this changes a whole lot of things.
Being 20 makes you realise you cannot always be an immature stubborn and spoilt brat.
Being 20 makes you realise you are now adult and you need to take a stand and accomplish concrete things in life.
It makes you realise it is high time to stop fooling around,
The time has come for you to achieve important things,
And get yourself one awesome future.
But 20 also mean,
It's time for more fun,
It's time for more parties,
It's time to LIVE.
Because once it's gone,
There won't be any turning back,
20 is part of those years you are still free to LIVE and to SCREW UP things.
20 is part of those years you need to enjoy to the FULLEST,
Because the memories which you shall live when you're 20,
Shall tomorrow be part of the story of "How I Met Your Father" :)
"The problem with time, I've learned, whether it's those first two weeks I got to spend with you, or the final two months I got to spend with him, eventually time always runs out. " ~Dear John.
I was going to write something about Time and how it goes fast,
But instead,
Once Again,
I'll tell you the meaning of true friends,
Because apparently some people still do not get it :
I have been saying this like thousands of times,
When you are a real friend,
You never expect anything in return,
You are always ready to give,
Be it a shoulder to cry on or a smile,
Sometimes even a piece of your mind,
Whatever it is,
A true friend is ever-ready to GIVE.
And as I said loads of times before,
I have a had a lot of friends,
And very few of them were there when I needed them,
I believe true friends have the gift to know when nothing's right and everything's wrong,
And if sometimes they fail to find out your smile is a fake one,
Then still,
Your words shall give them the hint.
True Friends have a flair for such things.
How would I know? [You're probably asking yourself this Qn.]
Well, ask Anii.
I would have said Mayuri, or Shareeza,
But in this case,
It applies the most to Anii.
Anii has been here ALWAYS.
And she always knows when my smile is a fake one,
When my words are full of pain,
When my tears are about to fall.
Maybe I was not always there for her, in return,
But she never complained,
Neither did she think I did not love her as much as she did,
Never did she reproach me,
Never did she hurt me,
She always gave me so much more than I gave her in return.
I tried to be like her.
Sometimes I succeeded,
Sometimes I failed,
And I realised it was not always easy to be a good friend.
So, I made mistakes,
I hurt people I loved,
I am not perfect. And I will never be.
But I always try to be a real friend,
And when people I cared about hurt me,
I tried to forgive because I remembered how Mayuri forgave me each time,
When I made mistakes,
I rectified em, because I remember how Pit did it, each time he made mistakes,
When I was not wrong,
I still took the blame, because I remember how Anii held herself responsible for things she never did to save relationships she cared about.
And when I am about to lose someone,
I become strong, because I remember how Kavish fought throughout the good and bad times of his life.
When I need to bear with the painful words the persons I love tell me,
I close my eyes and I remember Damn Ree because he taught me a hell of a lot things about Life.
I won't mention each of my friends,
Because not every one knows what I have been through,
Most of you know the crazy-happy-girl.
Very few are those who were there during my darkest hours.
And today,
I'll tell you what a true friend is,
Anii is one, because she's been there when I was falling,
Pit is one, because he helped me rise each time I fell,
Tii is one, because she was there to wipe my tears,
Kavish is one, because he made me smile when I most needed it,
Mayuri is one, because she stood by me during my most difficult times,
Vandana is one, because she gave me the power to believe again,
The rest are my close friends too.
And they know I love them,
They were just too far when I needed them,
And some were just too busy to care,
But still,
I never reproached them anything,
And I never will..
That was, for some people to understand some things,
Good Night People Of My Heart,