Tuesday 25 January 2011

OTH is nostalgic And You are one of em memories.

And if you're lucky-the person you love decides to love you back =) -OTH-

There was a time when I was very much in love.
And there was a time when I was very depressed.
Nowadays, I do not feel any of those.

I am not in love.
I am not depressed.
I am no pathetic girl. ~D.D.

Well, nowadays, I just do not seem to give a damn.

Looking back, there was a time when I used to be a bubbly person.
Then, there was that time when I started hurting the people I cared the most about.
Nowadays, I am neutral.

I smile to the people who like me.
I laugh with the people who love me.
I feel sorry for the people who do not like me.
And, I really do not care about the people who hate me.

Some roads lead to nowhere.
Ours, was a road which lead to nowhere.
It was a road which took away my smile, my happy nature, my soul.

Tonight, I realised I was still unsure about who I am and where I belong.
I realised I lost too much and it will take more time than I thought, to get over every single thing I encountered on that road, which I shared with you.
Tonight, I know I can hold not circumstances, but my choices, and YOU responsible for everything.
Tonight, I know I am lost because of you.

Nowadays, I am no more me.
I am just some girl, who is trying to stick back the broken pieces of her life together,
I am just some girl, you broke,
And maybe I will never be the same again.

The point is,
Dear People,
Nowadays, Farah is no more a mean, stubborn bitch.
She is better, maybe.
Or worse.
Who cares?

It's time for bed.
Good Night.♥

[Corrected By Damn Ree *haa*]


Anonymous said...

Doule :) <3 I love your writings more now :)

ZOu said...

YOU READ EM? :O Awww fam ily♥