Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The Past Belongs to the Past.

Some moments you look back on and feel like it was ages ago,
When in reality it was only yesterday,
Yes, this is the magic of Life,
Everything keeps changing-constantly,
Nothing remains the same,
Not even the most sincere friendships,
Not even the most romantic love stories,

With time, it either mature or it fades away,
And it is a good thing,
Because with every changing moment, every changing person around you,
You become aware of your deepest dreams,
You become aware of your goals,
You become aware of who you are,

No matter how awesome yesterday was,
Today is more important,
Because Today will shape you and make you who you will be tomorrow,
The past should stay where it is,
Waking it up again might cause much damage to your well-settled life :)

So, every morning when you wake up,
Move forward,
Don't look back,
Get over the days which are gone,
Believe in the present day and make the most of it,
No matter how terrible and scary it seems,
Something good will always come out of it :)

Something that will change your tomorrow :)

No, this picture is not related to the post : I am currently having a crush on RK AGAIN. ♥

Zou ♥

Monday, 20 February 2012

This is my World, This is my Life :)

I love LIVING in my very own little bubble :)
That does NOT mean that I am ignorant of what goes on around me,

Neither does it mean that I am a selfish little bitch :)

It only means that I live my LIFE the way I feel it should be lived,

I ignore some people for very obvious reasons,
I brag about my own self because I believe sometimes it is important to remind the world that you are not weak/unimportant.
I am not a SAINT, but I am not a hypocrite either,
I am just like everyone else,
Trying to fit in a very complicated world,
Call me what you want,
This will not change me,

I am officially TWENTY ONE :)
And I am a VERY happy woman,

I don't care what the world think,
I don't care if this world want me to change my way of thinking/living,
I don't care if I keep believing in *dumb* fantasies,
I don't care if this world think I am still immature,

I know very well how mature I am and how some of my dreams shall never be fulfilled,
But still,
Unlike some, I choose to keep believing in everything,
Simply because it helps me escape this world,

The power to believe in dreams is not given to everyone,
I have it and I will keep believing until my very last breath,
That does not mean I am not realistic,
It only means I am imaginative enough to colour my life brighter :)

One last thing :
Writing is my passion,

If you have a problem with my writing : Then get over it, because I will write. ALWAYS. 

With that,
Happy 21st Zou♥
I am very much obsessed with my Birthday :)


Sunday, 12 February 2012

Bits and Pieces of our Real Selves..


Somebody told me that the people who really care about you do not have priorities,
But as we move along the path of Life,
We realise that even the closest friends of ours have priorities,
They choose other things/people over you,
They forget that from time to time it is important to remind the people around them that they are still there and they still care,
They forget that this world is not only meant to be lived,
It is meant to be enjoyed with the people who make up your life,
They become so materialistic that they forget there is something called Love,
They care so much about their own selves,
They forget this world is full of other people who probably needs them/their words to keep moving along and not give up.

Yes, this world has made people so cruel and selfish that their is practically no love left,
Most of the relationship which exist today does contain a spoon full of hypocrisy and jealousy,
There is barely any bonds left which are entirely honest and sincere.

"Does this darkness have a name?" 
We do not know,
Most of us keep living a more and more fake life everyday,
Pretending to care about people we do not really give a damn about,
Loving the people we want to get rid of,
Talking to the friends we can not stand anymore,
Lying to the persons we are the closest to.

"This cruelty? This hatred? How did it find us? Did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? What happened to us? That we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war, hoping for their safe return, but knowing that some will be lost along the way. When did we lose our way? Consumed by the shadows, swallowed all by the darkness. Does this darkness have a name? Is it your name?"

Everyday we lose a bit of our real selves,
Everyday we give up a bit of our true selves,
Everyday we decide to change,
Sometimes for the best,
Sometimes for the worst,

Should we blame this world?
Should we blame these values?
Should we blame others?

Or should we just realise it is us who are responsible for what we become,
Because after all,
Character is Destiny!


Monday, 6 February 2012

Nothing is lost as long as you believe in YOU!

You feel you lost today?
You did not.

You feel you have missed the best opportunity Life gave you?
You did not.

You feel like every part of your body is dead?
It ain't.

You feel like there's no tomorrow for you?
There is.

Believe in yourself again, don't let a piece of paper, some grades throw you down.
You know you deserve better than this,
You know you will go far in Life,
You know it,
You have not realized it yet,

Forget about what people will say,
Forget about what your own people might say,
Forget about what the little voice inside of you is saying :

And just believe in YOU,

Believe in the dreams you saw,
Believe in the dreams you want to fulfill,
You can still fulfill them,
This world is yours,
You have your whole time to make it what you want,

Your life is starting NOW,

Forget about every single "failure",
It is only after failing that you shall succeed better :)

God knows better, He has something better for you in the future :)
Believe in Him :)

And oh btw,
Congratulations :)


Thursday, 2 February 2012

Happy February ♥

Hello World :)

I am in a state of much "high"-ness :)
Happy February :) Basically I LOVE FEBRUARY ♥

No NOT VD, really people -.- MY BIRTHDAY!
My February-posts are always about my birthday and my birthday and ONLY my birthday :)

I can not take the heat anymore,
I wish it would snow on my Birthday,
It will,

Not here though,
My Post-Manager will probably be dancing in snow for my Birthday and I hate him for that [[SHUT UP DAMN!]] -.-

February is always a wonderful time of the year,
Lately I have been missing people,
Missing them BADLY,
But then I came across a post I once wrote about how the past is tempting but it is not always the best path to choose,
And surprisingly, 
I got over this "Missing People" thing quite quickly :)

Every day is a new day,
And trying to get back to square one is often a very bad idea,
It is not always what we need to do, no matter how badly we want it,
This world offers us so many opportunities,
This life gifts us new paths everyday,
Why then should we just go back to where we came from?

With that,
Let's just ALL look forward to MY BIRTHDAY :P
Okay, it was a joke :D

Have a wonderful February amazing people :)
Let go of old dreams and embrace new ones,

Let go of your broken hearts and look for new people to fall for,
Let go of your hatred and look forward to love,
Let go of all your regrets,
And embrace all the things you wished for and MAKE IT HAPPEN!
