Sunday 12 February 2012

Bits and Pieces of our Real Selves..


Somebody told me that the people who really care about you do not have priorities,
But as we move along the path of Life,
We realise that even the closest friends of ours have priorities,
They choose other things/people over you,
They forget that from time to time it is important to remind the people around them that they are still there and they still care,
They forget that this world is not only meant to be lived,
It is meant to be enjoyed with the people who make up your life,
They become so materialistic that they forget there is something called Love,
They care so much about their own selves,
They forget this world is full of other people who probably needs them/their words to keep moving along and not give up.

Yes, this world has made people so cruel and selfish that their is practically no love left,
Most of the relationship which exist today does contain a spoon full of hypocrisy and jealousy,
There is barely any bonds left which are entirely honest and sincere.

"Does this darkness have a name?" 
We do not know,
Most of us keep living a more and more fake life everyday,
Pretending to care about people we do not really give a damn about,
Loving the people we want to get rid of,
Talking to the friends we can not stand anymore,
Lying to the persons we are the closest to.

"This cruelty? This hatred? How did it find us? Did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? What happened to us? That we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war, hoping for their safe return, but knowing that some will be lost along the way. When did we lose our way? Consumed by the shadows, swallowed all by the darkness. Does this darkness have a name? Is it your name?"

Everyday we lose a bit of our real selves,
Everyday we give up a bit of our true selves,
Everyday we decide to change,
Sometimes for the best,
Sometimes for the worst,

Should we blame this world?
Should we blame these values?
Should we blame others?

Or should we just realise it is us who are responsible for what we become,
Because after all,
Character is Destiny!
