Wednesday 4 June 2014

Denial Dissertation

Dear all,
The solution to writing a good research paper is never found in binge-watching-himym! Never! But, that's a good start, you can always do your best when the deadline is near. Don't worry, every one procrastinate-even Harry [Not hermione, no she never does that, but let's face it no one is an insufferable know it all :)], so go ahead, have fun waking up late and binge watching tv shows you already watched, you never watched or you just want to watch because when you have to pen down a dissertation, everything else seems more interesting, hell yeah! Losing weight suddenly becomes your top priority, playing matchmaker becomes so much more interesting, being heartbroken by celebrities become much more intense, because fuck writing your dissertation, that's why!
Also, writing a dissertation when you are pms-ing is not a good idea, instead of writing about figurative languages, you might end up literally killing people, so yeah, chill! Don't worry about the dissertation, you have plenty of times and you are going to make it in time.
See you more later,
