Monday 2 August 2010

~August Thoughts~

"I believe we write our own stories. And each time we think we know the end - we don't. Perhaps luck exists somewhere between the world of planning, the world of chance, and in peace that comes from knowing that you just can't know it all. You know, life's funny that way. Once you let go of the wheel, you might end up right where you belong." -The Little Black Book-

Love this quote.
Love this movie.
Tonight it's raining. The usual rain.
We are in August.
I happen to hate this month.
But, tonight, i still love every single thing in Life.
Maybe because i met wonderful people today-AGAIN.
Maybe because i found more reasons to smile than to cry.
Maybe because i happen to be positive about Life.

I am about to live something new and maybe exciting.
Yeah, for the first time in weeks i am feeling really excited about the coming BIG event.
Living Life-AGAIN.

When i have nothing to do (The past nine or so months), i happen to complain & whine a lot. I also happen to become depressed.
I feel the constant need of doing something out of my life, i NEED to keep LEARNING and growing. 
And, yes, i am excited about learning AGAIN.
I would not mind spending my whole life studying, as long as i know i am learning something.
Some people said, we keep learning all our lives. I agree. Those who complain about these things are fucktard money-minded craps. We do need money (How do i SHOP otherwise -.-) but working is nothing compared to learning and growing(mentally).
OMG! I am talking sense.
I think.
I love me. You do too. :)

Tonight it's raining.
The wind's blowing hard.
It's cold.
I don't give a damn anymore.
One single day in this new world, and all i want is live.
Live and Breathe.

Nelson Mandela once said, "Keep Hope Alive!" And the man is no idiot.
Where there is life, there is still hope.
(L'espoir fait vivre les imbeciles--->Yeah Right, FU)
As long as you believe in something and you work for that thing to happen, then nothing can come in between.
I kept my hope alive, i never gave up and i knew somehow, someday i would achieve what i wanted the most.(You don't need to know what it is :])
And still, i know there is much more to come.
No matter how broken you are, no matter how badly life treats you, no matter how weak you feel you are, just keep your hopes alive and BELIEVE in yourselves, believe in something more powerful, believe in your dreams, believe in God.
God does exist. Yes. I happen to doubt of his existence. When i am at my worst mostly.
And then, when wonderful things happen in my life, when a ray of light appears out of the darkness, when a little bit of happiness is drawn in my life, i realise God does exist, and there is nothing more powerful than Him.

Somebody once told me "Why don't you love God? He gave you me." and i once again realised, how true this statement was and how true God was. 

I am not a perfect person.
I made mistakes.
I will, again.
But i know, i am no bad person.
I might hurt, but i love deeply.

I hate August. Why?
I lost someone close to my heart last August.
And i lost something more valuable-my smile.
I never got them back. And, i know i won't ever.
But i still fake the smile. And i hope someday, it turns out being a genuine smile.♥

I love Winter. I used to love Winter.
One single thing sometimes change a whole lots of things.
Maybe for better. :)

Today, though, i fell in love with Winter again
I fell in love with the cold.
I fell in love with the winds.
I fell in love. 

(It's just a CRUSH *_* haha! FU peeps :P I'll definitely get him ^^)

I fell in love with the beautiful thing i happen to be.

"Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.." ~Remember Me~

Sometimes i wonder if i ever marked anyone, any lives.
Maybe no.
But who cares.
You marked mine. You made a difference. And forever i will remember not to love that much and not to trust blindly.

I am very mean sometimes. 
But it is nothing compared to how some people treat me.[[Stating a fact^^]]

It's August.
I hate August.
The rain is falling no more.
Time to dream some more.
Good Night People.
