Wednesday 9 April 2014

Have you walked in their shoes?

I haven't written in a while, mainly because I am swamped with essays and revisions,
My friend just reminded me of my blog and I thought I should probably write something,

Hello World! :)

You know this feeling when you are so tired and you want to give up on everything?
Yeah, you have this almost everyday,

Especially when you are doing a Master Degree [[in Psychology.]], and you hate waking up every morning,
Last night,
My bff was ranting about how people are ungrateful and that people are dying in Syria and everything else that requires your heart to break,
I agree with her,
It's harder for other people, because they are not as blessed as we are,
They don't even have food,
They can't have an education,
But, again, I might come as an insensitive bitch here, 
Everyone is fighting their own battles, aren't they?
You don't really know what it's like for another person,

No matter how well you know someone, you have no idea what they might be going through,
You have no idea what their journey has been like,
You have no idea how horrible their lives might be,
So, I choose to believe everyone has the right to complain at some point,
Because everyone has issues,
Everyone has to deal with some crap you've never faced,
Everyone, at some point, has a difficult life and a horrible job,
And if you are not happy in life,
You can complain!

Sure, people are dying everywhere else,
But sometimes, it's hard to face certain things,
And it's difficult to take a stand and be who you are expected to be,
Sometimes the pressure is too much,
Sometimes life is not fair,
So, I think I'll let everyone complain and whine [[mainly because I am good at this shit]],
Because you never know what's going on in their lives/in their mind [[Psychologically speaking, they might be totally deranged.]],
You haven't walked in their shoes,

But again, don't over-dramatise,
Because sometimes, you really need to suck it up, because people are fucking dying everywhere else!

Happy Revision Everyone!
Ain't life awesome? We have just ONE paper to write :)

And after that, we have just ONE dissertation to write.
So, be positive!
Happy April :)
ZOu x