Tuesday 1 April 2014

How Ted Found Love ♡

"Aunt Lily wasn't wrong, it was at times a long, difficult road but I am glad it was long and difficult, because if I hadn't gone through hell to get there, the lesson might not have been this clear.  You see kids, right from the moment I met your mom, I knew I have to love this woman as much as I can, for as long as I can and I can never stop loving her, not even for a second.  I carry this lesson with me,  through every stupid fights we ever had, every 5 am Christmas morning, every sleepy Sunday afternoon,  through every speed bump, every pang of jealousy or boredom or uncertainty that came our way, I carry that lesson with me, and I carried it with me when she got sick, even then, in what can only be called the worst times, all I could do was thank God, thank every God there is or there ever was or there will be and the whole universe and anyone else I could possibly thank, when I saw that beautiful girl on that train platform and that I had the guts to stand up, walk over to her, tap her on the shoulder, open my mouth, and speak..

And that kids, is how I met your mother!"

Awwww, Ted Evelyn Mosby ♥

I don't care how bad people thought the ending was,

I loved every single second of it,

It was beautiful and realistic,
And it's magic how, even though Ted & Tracy were perfect for each other, they were never meant to be together forever,

Ted & Robin,  on the other hand
Belonged with each other from the beginning,
And though it was late,
They found their way to each other,

This, is Love :)

And I love how Ted got both his first and his true love,

Because he deserved every single second of it,
Everyone does,
And in the end,
Everyone will find theirs :)

Happy April's Fool x

Zou ☆