Sunday 30 March 2014

Love Is Not A Myth

Happy March is Over Day!

When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you =]

*Dancing* *high*

Happy Sunday World,

Yesterday, I had this convo with my insensitive-as-fuck-bff, and she was all WHAT IS LOVE? LOVE DOES NOT EXIST. People just care for each other, no one is going to love you more than themselves.

Well, she probably has a point,
And, like a lot of peeps, she is a realistic person and she does not believe in the whole love story thingy,
But I do,
I tried being realistic like her,
And imagined a world without love,
It just does not work for me,
I love love,
Love is beautiful,
It's the most amazing feeling in the world, and for me it is real and it exists,
I believe one day someone will love me more than anything,
Because this is what we do,
We love, unconditionally,
I should be the last person saying this,
I've been hurt so many times in love,
But I want more, because Love is just something else, 
Why would anyone not believe in love?
Why would anyone say love is a myth?

Love is not a myth,

It's a beautiful feeling, full of passion,
And when you are in love, everything seems more beautiful,
It does not matter how painful love can be,
Because when you love, the pain is not that big,
Love is not only the butterflies you feel,
It's so much more,
It's being able to spend your life with someone who appreciates the true you and never get fed up of it,
It's being able to have someone hold your hands even when they want to kill you,
It's being able to give up on things to make the other person happy,

Love is when you are happy with someone, and you know no matter what,
You want to wake up next to that person every morning, 
You want it to be that person you fight with,
You want that person next to you when you are living your dreams,

Love is not just a myth,
It's real,
It's like fairies, you have to believe in them,
You have to believe in Love :)

When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you! :)
But I would walk 500 miles,
And I would walk 500 more,
Just to be the man who walks a 1000 miles to fall at your door! 

ZOuBanana :D