Friday 14 March 2014

Anii, you were made for the big times! x

This post is dedicated to Anii.

Dear Anii,

I know it's hard, but you have to live with it,
This is the bitter truth,
There is no going back,
If you've loved and lost, it's going to hurt. A lot.
You are going to fall down the pit,
And you are going to feel like you are dead inside,
A coldness you've never felt before, will now rule your soul,
Nothing will make sense,
You are going to cry so much that at one point, you'll just feel like there are no tears left anymore,
You'll wake up every morning feeling like giving up on every single thing,
You are going to have this boring routine,
Because suddenly,
Nothing else matters,
And you are just living for the sake of it,
Every single thing inside of you is dead,
And you know, somehow, you are never going to be the same again!

I won't lie,
This is exactly how you are going to feel/ how you are feeling right now,

But, you know what?
It won't stop here,

Life does not stop here,
One day you are going to wake up and everything will be better,
You will feel happy again, and you will live again,
No, that part of you won't come back,
Because it's lost, forever.
But, a new you will be born,
It's going to be very different,
But it's going to be worth it, 
And you are going to have new dreams,
And you are going to have new wishes,
And you will be happy again!

I know, you think this is impossible right now,
Because when you used to tell me those things,
I used to think WTF? I am never going to be okay,
But, look at me now? Do I look like I want to die?
Do I look like Life dumped me?
Do I look like I've been through all those crap?
I have moved on in Life,

And it took me YEARS [Literally],
But I did it,
And I am happy and I feel complete,
Yes, there are times when it all comes back,
But I don't cry anymore, or feel sorry, or regret,
I am okay with it,
I accepted every single thing I failed at,
And I know every thing that happened was for the best,
And I learnt from it,

No one is worth all your tears,
I hate myself for crying over someone who never cared to look back,
Telling this to you won't make you stop crying,
But I'll still say it,
Because when I was crying, you were there, telling me the same thing, everyday,

And then,
There was a time when you weren't there, no one was,
It was during those moments that I realised I was better than this,
I deserved better,
And that it is high time to stop and take a stand.

It's always going to hurt,
It only stops when you want it to,
It's all in your mind, in your hands,
You have the power to take yourself deeper into that pit,
And you have the power to get back to the surface and start living again,
Explaining this to you won't help,
Help yourself,
And you know the rest,

I know you are going to get out of this thing,
I love you,
If all else fails, 
Always remember that!

ZOu x