Sunday 16 March 2014

Fake Smiles Do Not Help!


You know that quote that says "Keep smiling, even if it's a fake one, and you will end up being happy." You what I am talking about right? I am just really lazy right now and I can't bother google-ing it, but you get the picture, don't you?
Well, don't believe that quote, don't even apply it,
It's dangerous! Completely dangerous,
Because sometimes you fake so much, you end up adopting that happiness which is not rightfully yours [[yet]] and you make up your mind that everything is great, when it's not.
You fake that smile so much, that at one point your forget why you were faking it and you forget what the pain was all about,
You forget to such an extent that you don't even realise you are not done with it yet,
You have not resolved what mattered yet,
You were just busy pretending you were happy so you could move on in life,
But in reality, you are still stuck there, somewhere in the past, where it hurts, and you don't really know that!

So, don't fake a smile,

Face the problems, find solutions for them, 
Deal with it, don't run away from the tears,
They will catch up with you, ultimately.
And when they do, you won't even know where to start, you won't even know why they are there, nothing will make sense, because you were so focused on faking that stupid smile,

So, do NOT keep smiling if it hurts,
If it hurts, let it out, cry it out, and work it out,
And at the end of the day, the genuine smile will be born again,
You will find happiness, only when you have dealt with everything that hurts,
Only when you have come clean,
Only when you have accepted that there is something wrong, there is a reason to cry, there are no reasons to smile yet.

Don't believe the world,
They know nothing about you or your story,
Don't let your pain wander in an unwanted part of your brain,
Don't forget your pain,
Resolve it,
And the smile will come, automatically!

This is a lesson I learnt this week, from someone wise and young! You don't need to be old to be wise! I learnt that as well!

Smile when you truly mean it,
Don't fake a smile,
It does not really help!

ZOu x