Tuesday 18 March 2014

Because HIMYM, that's why! x

 "The friends, neighbors, drinking buddies and partners in crime you love so much when you're young, as the years go by, you just lose touch./ You will be shocked when you discover how easy it is in life to part ways with people forever. That's why, when you find someone you want to keep around, you do something about it." -HIMYM [[S9E21]]

Awww, HIMYM!
True, as you move on in life, there are so many people you leave behind, and so many of them who forget you in their journey,
Everything is ephemeral,
If at one point you used to spend every day with someone, 
On the next roundabout you won't even remember that person's last name,
Because this is the law of life,
Only those who are meant to stay, are going to stay,
The rest just get lost in the busy routines of life,
Each going their way,
And sometimes, those who stay are either those you've fought for or just, those who chose to stay because they loved you more than you did,
Because sometimes, no matter how hard you fight for someone,
If they do not want to stay, they won't,

 These things are so strange,
You spend years by someone's side having the times of your lives,
And then, in one minute, you lose touch and you never see them again, you never hear from them, and sometimes you don't even care, because sometimes, you left them behind,
Other times, you just hope that wherever they are, they are as happy as they used to be when you were with them, and you hope they are having as good a life as you are,

It's amazing how you share your life with people for years, and the moment you get out of the routine, you lose them,
Sometimes, you find them again,
And sometimes you never do, you just remember how they made you felt and you smile, 
Because this is the beauty of life!

Happy Tuesday! 
Keep Smiling!