Friday 16 July 2010


I want to go to Hogwarts :)
And i want to wear a cloak :)

NO! I am not crazy.
It happens. When it's one in the morning and you can't sleep and you are hating the fact that UOM exists.
It happens. When you are bored.
It happens. When you just watched the most boring movie ever.
It happens. When you just found out you had the whole Harry Potter Saga and you want to read them all over again.
It happens. When everybody else is sleeping.
It happens. When you are tired of this boring life.
It happens. When you live in a dream. ♥

In a world of Fantasy, he said it was.
This world is much better than yours, at least.

Magic. Why don't we have it?
Why don't we have Hogwarts? And wands? And potions? 
Why don't we have Harry Potter?
[[No, i am not having fever again!]]

What would the world be like, if these things existed for real?
What if it existed? Like SERIOUSLY?
What if somewhere out there, they do have a place like Hogwarts? And they fight evil?
Not bad, eh?
I would love, for sure, to live there.
Somewhere you would not lack of real action every day.
Somewhere life was more interesting and mesmerizing.
Somewhere you could FLY!

Haha :) Nice dream, yeah?
It happens.
When you have a lot of imagination and you love reading books :)
It happens.
When you love writing and creating places, characters, stories.
It happens.
When you feel you have had enough of this real life.
It happens.
When you feel the need to escape.
It happens..♥

"In dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own. "
-Albus Dumbledore-
-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban-

Hell yeah, i am dreaming again.
And this time, i might make my dreams come true.
No, i won't build myself Hogwarts.
I'll do much better.

Till then,
Sayonara Readers!


Unknown said...

Hey, I think you are reading too much of Harry Potter, leave this for the kids! Just kidding! No, seriously if this existed for real then, in my humble opinion, it would have been something normal. It's simply human nature.
It would have been something like this..humm nothing to do ok let's "fly" to Manhattan for example and have a pizza! and then you would have said: nooo it's too cold to fly!!!

ZOu said...

LOL! yeah right :P haha