Saturday 14 May 2011

Happy 13th of May (:

Dear World,
I feel like posting today, and guess WHAT! Blogger is unavailable -.-”
I have been through one [and a half] horrible month, and it is so about to end!
My life has never been so boring,
I am glad I am over with my first year,
Two more years to go in this horrible place -.-”
But well, the good thing is that after those 2 years [which is going to end VERY SOON!], I’ll be heading towards an amazing place :)
Pit’s just been saying “Tp al Ethiopie? :O” NO! But it so sounds like Ethiopie :)
I don’t care if wherever I am going, I have to study more,
The only good thing will be that the place is amazingly beautiful,
There’ll be snow [IDC if it's COLD.],
There’ll be cuter guys,
There’ll be BETTER PEOPLE than those I have to see everyday HERE.
Two more years to go,
For some things to be more perfect.
I need to get a life!!!
I have been in my books so much lately that I actually forgot how to type,
It was like the worst exams experience I ever had!
I forgot to mention I was writing on wordpress and I don’t actually like wordpress. Never mind, this post will be copy-paste-ed to my blogspot soon!
The main purpose of this post was : HOLIDAYS ARE SOME DAYS FROM NOW, AND I FEEL LIKE YAY!
I so need them this year,
It will leave me with some time to dream[thing I could not do this year!].
Good Night people♥