Sunday 1 May 2011

63072000 seconds left ♥

Hello :)

I want a Royal Wedding. [BWAHA.]
Damn Ree says I have 63072000 seconds left for my dream to come true.
Which dream? Haha. The fairy-tale-like one :)
Most probably, this dream might not come true. But there's still HOPE. :)
Supriti has been literally eating my ass [literal translation from creole] ever since she learnt about the love story of William and Kate, because she believe it is way too late for her to live such a dream since she is nearly 20 and she is still heartbroken and she still could not find some one to make her heart do kaboom! =P

Damn Ree is right =] In 63072000 seconds, I am going to make my dream COME TRUE.

I do not know how, but I will ^^
And hopefully, Supriti will find some one to make her dream too at that time.

This one post is dedicated to all of us, who have lost hope and believe nothing great is going to happen in the future since nothing really happened till now.

No matter what happened in the past,
And if nothing is happening today,
Remember that there is always something better for us in store,
Even if it takes years to happen,
Some day it will =]

                                          [Because the dress makes us dream hard]

I know, most of the time we are kind of totally fed up,
Since we have been waiting for something magical to happen all our lives,
But yeah, we did not go through all yet,
There is still so much for us to experience and believe me,
One day when we are least expecting it,
This thing we have been waiting so hard for,
Will finally come (=

But then, sometimes we already got what we wanted,
The only problem is that we could not recognise it,
I know, since it happened to me (:
We think we have not have our part of the cake,
But the truth is that, the cake was all ours,
We just could not realise it ^^

Hopefully, Supriti, in 63072000 seconds, your dream might come true =]
Since in 63072000 seconds, you won't be where you are today,
We will be living something totally different and out-of-this world :)
And, Damn if in 63072000 seconds you've found yourself a body [BWAHAHA.], you might stand a chance =P
Mere saath nahin :@ Loss, with anyone :P

Waiting impatiently for those 63072000 seconds be over,
ZOu ♥


Blazteroidz said...

So true that, it always comes when you least expect it :) So might as well not lose precious time waiting :P so much out there to discover and make yours ^__^

good post!

I hope you get what you cherish, in way less than 2 years =)

cheers mate!

ZOu said...

Sewraz! :) Thanks ♥
AND, let's hope it does come true in less than 2 years =P

Mayuri said...

Ayoooooo sa post la p fer mwa :( ek :D en mem tem:S

"Supriti has been literally eating my ass [literal translation from creole] ever since she learnt about the love story of William and Kate, because she believe it is way too late for her to live such a dream since she is nearly 20 and she is still heartbroken and she still could not find some one to make her heart do kaboom! =P"
bel bon-especially sa boute make my hrt do kaboom la:P LOL. tne blier azoute n boute : ki mo even more desperate since pena oken zoli boug dan sa uom la-donc mo pa pou kav viv n tel love stry:S :P
Bon 120 sec mne pren pou lire sa post la...ek 200 sec pou ekrir sa cment la..donc, mo bsn ale konT komier sec resT:P yayy:P

ZOu said...

Mayuri? Tum kaun? :P haha =P
Pa bzn to :(
Be =] ♥


Mayuri bole toh Supriti bole to ek gadhi joh rajkumari bane ka sapna dekh rahi hai:P

ZOu said...

Mo kne n dimune apel rajkumari :O waha.