Monday 30 May 2011

Pretty Little Voices! (:

Got a secret!
Can you keep it? ♫

La La Lalalala =] So I am totally addicted to PLL now.

My holidays are being pretty lame.

Dear People,

Tonight it's like one of those nights.
I am going to die because I sprayed Raid/Doom/Boom/Booh/Whatever across the room.

I am currently having a huge crush on tooth :$ 
Who's tooth? Get a life, I hope you never know! =]

Much Love,
Zou (:

It's a silent night.
All I can hear is the sound of my fingers touching the keys on my keyboard.
I wish I could hear a voice telling me it is going to be alright,
Not that I am going through a bad phase,
I just wish I could hear that voice and believe everything is going to be okay,
Not that everything is wrong,
I just feel like a lot of things are missing right now,
My Life has this void which needs to be filled up before any more wrong is done.
Sometimes, despite nothing going on,
You have the feeling something very wrong is going to happen,
Not that it is a pessimistic view,
But sometimes you have the sixth sense that something wrong is going to happen,
You just know it,
Because tonight is a silent night!

Even when you are on cloud 9,
The sun is smiling at you,
Sometimes you just need to hear the voice telling you everything will be just fine,
Because you never know what's on the next corner of the road,
And good things do not always last.

But yeah, if good things do not always last,
Neither do bad things!
So, tell yourself that everything is going to be alright,
Be the voice you want to hear,
And make your life better! ♥

Néné Reuz.