Sunday 15 May 2011


It's winter.


If you're happy and you know it ---> CLAP YOUR HANDS! =]
I am not happy. 
I am not sad.
I am feeling IDK.

It must be the winter's effect.
Since I am quite unable to write great posts nowadays,
I was going to write a post on Seup,
Then it started raining,
And it started smelling good things,
The kind of things that remind you it is possible to be happy,
The kind of things that remind you the world is not that cruel after all,
The kind of things that remind you you've been lucky enough to feel love.♥

It started smelling things which have been etched in your memories,
It started smelling things that you can never forget,
It started smelling people.♥

The people who made a difference,
The people who made your life worth it,
The people who made you smile through your tears.

And now, the rain + the current song playing = THE MOST AMAZING FEELING IN THE WORLD.
It feels like I am back to one particular day,
It's cold,
It's raining,
And there is this song,
NOTHING beats this feeling.
And I am clapping my hands, because I am HAPPY.

YES =] 
Memories of the past do not always bring back tears,
Memories, if you know how to appreciate them,
Can make you the happiest things alive.

What if those don't ever come back?
And that's the beauty of memories.♥

Nights like tonight are perfect to dream. (:

It's nearly midnight,
I am sleepy,
Good Night People of My Heart♥
You are being missed tonight =]

(U6 '09♥ : Because I just remembered an amazing memory of ours and I feel like being back on that bench with you and soaking up the sun in the cold winter and listening to those amazing songs♥)
(People of my past♥: Because I just remembered an amazing night, and I feel like being back to that particular night just to hear that particular thing I remembered.)

What if memories can only be remembered,
We should be thankful we do not suffer from Alzheimer [Al-Farah-Mer]♥

What if memories can only be remembered,
Atleast we were lucky enough to have lived them.♥

Néné Reuz :)