Happy March is Over Day!
When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you =]
*Dancing* *high*
Happy Sunday World,
Yesterday, I had this convo with my insensitive-as-fuck-bff, and she was all WHAT IS LOVE? LOVE DOES NOT EXIST. People just care for each other, no one is going to love you more than themselves.
Well, she probably has a point,
And, like a lot of peeps, she is a realistic person and she does not believe in the whole love story thingy,
But I do,
I tried being realistic like her,
And imagined a world without love,
It just does not work for me,
I love love,
Love is beautiful,
It's the most amazing feeling in the world, and for me it is real and it exists,
I believe one day someone will love me more than anything,
Because this is what we do,
We love, unconditionally,
I should be the last person saying this,
I've been hurt so many times in love,
But I want more, because Love is just something else,
Why would anyone not believe in love?
Why would anyone say love is a myth?
Love is not a myth,
It's a beautiful feeling, full of passion,
And when you are in love, everything seems more beautiful,
It does not matter how painful love can be,
Because when you love, the pain is not that big,
Love is not only the butterflies you feel,
It's so much more,
It's being able to spend your life with someone who appreciates the true you and never get fed up of it,
It's being able to have someone hold your hands even when they want to kill you,
It's being able to give up on things to make the other person happy,
Love is when you are happy with someone, and you know no matter what,
You want to wake up next to that person every morning,
You want it to be that person you fight with,
You want that person next to you when you are living your dreams,
Love is not just a myth,
It's real,
It's like fairies, you have to believe in them,
You have to believe in Love :)
When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you! :)
But I would walk 500 miles,
And I would walk 500 more,
Just to be the man who walks a 1000 miles to fall at your door!
ZOuBanana :D
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Love Is Not A Myth
Posted by ZOu at 11:48 0 comments
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
LoveIsWhatWeDoBest x
"Love is nonsensical, but love is what we do best." -Ted [[HIMYM]]
Aww. Okay, HIMYM S9 is just a lot of crying for me. I loved the latest episode. It was so beautiful.
And, oh Ted! ♡
True Story, love is what we do best.
No matter how painful, and hard,
We always love, and it is the one thing we do perfectly well,
We love, to the extremes, and we are faithful to it,
No matter what type of love, who we are in love with, where we are,
Love is definitely what we do best!
Love is nonsensical?
True story bro :P
Love is crazy, it does not make sense,
It makes us lose everything, and yet gain everything,
It does not make sense at all,
We fall for the person we least expect we would like,
We say no to people we dreamt of,
We do crazy things in love,
We climb mountains,
We go off the hook,
Because love does not make sense,
And that's the beauty of love,
Even if it does not make sense,
We still do it,
Because it makes us feel warm and happy,
Because it gives us a reason to live,
Because it is the only way we can keep moving on,
Love is beautiful,
Love does not make sense,
And love is what we do best!
Make Love [[Not War]],
Even if it's completely bonkers,
Even if you feel lost,
Even if everything else is more important,
Because Love is what you are good at,
And love is what you should be doing!
Happy Almost The End of HIMYM.
ZOuBanana x)
Posted by ZOu at 10:04 0 comments
Saturday, 22 March 2014
The Good Old Days ★
" I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them. " -T.O
I just saw this quote somewhere.
This is like the best quote ever.
This quote defines me. Because I am so dumb and I don't really know what's going on, until I actually lose everything. I am like the Queen of Dumbland. Life for dummies was written for me.
Anyhow, Internet is down. At my place.
Thank god for my mobile. Life is pink! :)
Getting back to this awesome quote [[Oh, somebody posted this on a T.H fan page on Facebook. Lame. ]]
I guess for most parts of our lives, we are actually in the good old days,
Because once you move on from a season, or a place, you miss being in that position, you miss being where you came from, and you miss the people who used to be around,
And the good old days is DEFINITELY, school days for most of us,
Because let's face it, being carefree and responsibility-less were the best moments of every single person's life,
But it is also those days where you were surrounded with amazing people and you were young and foolish and you knew the world was at your feet,
Well, you can still have this, and tomorrow, it will still be known as the good old days,
Basically, the good old days is any day you are happy and living the dream, or you are laughing,
That's the good old days,
And moving on from those places can be scary, and difficult,
But you will eventually end up in a place where you will fall in love with life again and you will be living your future "good old days" again!
So yeah, technically, wherever you are, if you are happy and breathing life and enjoying every single second of it, this going to be the good old days, make the most of it, it's never coming back, there will be other "good old days" but they are all different and they all hold different meanings.
Happy Saturday, from dotty my mobile, because my wifi is dead and my laptop is in a coma(heartbroken, clearly. )
ZOuBanana ♡
Posted by ZOu at 11:40 0 comments
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Because HIMYM, that's why! x
"The friends, neighbors, drinking buddies and partners in crime you love so much when you're young, as the years go by, you just lose touch./ You will be shocked when you discover how easy it is in life to part ways with people forever. That's why, when you find someone you want to keep around, you do something about it." -HIMYM [[S9E21]]
Awww, HIMYM!
True, as you move on in life, there are so many people you leave behind, and so many of them who forget you in their journey,
Everything is ephemeral,
If at one point you used to spend every day with someone,
On the next roundabout you won't even remember that person's last name,
Because this is the law of life,
Only those who are meant to stay, are going to stay,
The rest just get lost in the busy routines of life,
Each going their way,
And sometimes, those who stay are either those you've fought for or just, those who chose to stay because they loved you more than you did,
Because sometimes, no matter how hard you fight for someone,
If they do not want to stay, they won't,
These things are so strange,
You spend years by someone's side having the times of your lives,
And then, in one minute, you lose touch and you never see them again, you never hear from them, and sometimes you don't even care, because sometimes, you left them behind,
Other times, you just hope that wherever they are, they are as happy as they used to be when you were with them, and you hope they are having as good a life as you are,
It's amazing how you share your life with people for years, and the moment you get out of the routine, you lose them,
Sometimes, you find them again,
And sometimes you never do, you just remember how they made you felt and you smile,
Because this is the beauty of life!
Happy Tuesday!
Keep Smiling!
Posted by ZOu at 13:28 0 comments
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Fake Smiles Do Not Help!
You know that quote that says "Keep smiling, even if it's a fake one, and you will end up being happy." You what I am talking about right? I am just really lazy right now and I can't bother google-ing it, but you get the picture, don't you?
Well, don't believe that quote, don't even apply it,
It's dangerous! Completely dangerous,
Because sometimes you fake so much, you end up adopting that happiness which is not rightfully yours [[yet]] and you make up your mind that everything is great, when it's not.
You fake that smile so much, that at one point your forget why you were faking it and you forget what the pain was all about,
You forget to such an extent that you don't even realise you are not done with it yet,
You have not resolved what mattered yet,
You were just busy pretending you were happy so you could move on in life,
But in reality, you are still stuck there, somewhere in the past, where it hurts, and you don't really know that!
So, don't fake a smile,
Face the problems, find solutions for them,
Deal with it, don't run away from the tears,
They will catch up with you, ultimately.
And when they do, you won't even know where to start, you won't even know why they are there, nothing will make sense, because you were so focused on faking that stupid smile,
So, do NOT keep smiling if it hurts,
If it hurts, let it out, cry it out, and work it out,
And at the end of the day, the genuine smile will be born again,
You will find happiness, only when you have dealt with everything that hurts,
Only when you have come clean,
Only when you have accepted that there is something wrong, there is a reason to cry, there are no reasons to smile yet.
Don't believe the world,
They know nothing about you or your story,
Don't let your pain wander in an unwanted part of your brain,
Don't forget your pain,
Resolve it,
And the smile will come, automatically!
This is a lesson I learnt this week, from someone wise and young! You don't need to be old to be wise! I learnt that as well!
Smile when you truly mean it,
Don't fake a smile,
It does not really help!
ZOu x
Posted by ZOu at 14:24 0 comments
Friday, 14 March 2014
Anii, you were made for the big times! x
This post is dedicated to Anii.
Dear Anii,
I know it's hard, but you have to live with it,
This is the bitter truth,
There is no going back,
If you've loved and lost, it's going to hurt. A lot.
You are going to fall down the pit,
And you are going to feel like you are dead inside,
A coldness you've never felt before, will now rule your soul,
Nothing will make sense,
You are going to cry so much that at one point, you'll just feel like there are no tears left anymore,
You'll wake up every morning feeling like giving up on every single thing,
You are going to have this boring routine,
Because suddenly,
Nothing else matters,
And you are just living for the sake of it,
Every single thing inside of you is dead,
And you know, somehow, you are never going to be the same again!
I won't lie,
This is exactly how you are going to feel/ how you are feeling right now,
But, you know what?
It won't stop here,
Life does not stop here,
One day you are going to wake up and everything will be better,
You will feel happy again, and you will live again,
No, that part of you won't come back,
Because it's lost, forever.
But, a new you will be born,
It's going to be very different,
But it's going to be worth it,
And you are going to have new dreams,
And you are going to have new wishes,
And you will be happy again!
I know, you think this is impossible right now,
Because when you used to tell me those things,
I used to think WTF? I am never going to be okay,
But, look at me now? Do I look like I want to die?
Do I look like Life dumped me?
Do I look like I've been through all those crap?
I have moved on in Life,
And it took me YEARS [Literally],
But I did it,
And I am happy and I feel complete,
Yes, there are times when it all comes back,
But I don't cry anymore, or feel sorry, or regret,
I am okay with it,
I accepted every single thing I failed at,
And I know every thing that happened was for the best,
And I learnt from it,
No one is worth all your tears,
I hate myself for crying over someone who never cared to look back,
Telling this to you won't make you stop crying,
But I'll still say it,
Because when I was crying, you were there, telling me the same thing, everyday,
And then,
There was a time when you weren't there, no one was,
It was during those moments that I realised I was better than this,
I deserved better,
And that it is high time to stop and take a stand.
It's always going to hurt,
It only stops when you want it to,
It's all in your mind, in your hands,
You have the power to take yourself deeper into that pit,
And you have the power to get back to the surface and start living again,
Explaining this to you won't help,
Help yourself,
And you know the rest,
I know you are going to get out of this thing,
I love you,
If all else fails,
Always remember that!
ZOu x
Posted by ZOu at 21:55 0 comments
All that you can't leave behind!
It's amazing how life can take you places,
And you would still wish you were back home/ back where it all started,
Sometimes, all we want is go away,
Far from everything that hurt us,
Far from everything because we can not cope anymore,
And then,
When we finally get that chance,
When we are finally miles away,
When we have left so much behind,
We wish we never had,
We wish we were still there,
Where the heart lies,
Where all our pain is,
Where we've left our life,
We prayed so much to get over it,
We prayed so much for our dreams to come true,
We prayed so much to be in a place where it won't hurt ever again,
And when all our prayers are finally fulfilled,
We wish we never asked for it,
Is it just the human nature then?
To crave for pain and tears?
Or maybe it's just a lot of drama,
We just miss being in pain,
And we want to go back to those places,
The places where we've been hurt and dumped,
The places where we've lost everything,
The places where our hearts still lie!
Being far from everything,
Sometimes just remind you how much you loved being there,
How badly you loved those moments,
How badly you want to go back and live it all again!
Today is just one of those days,
Missing home,
Missing school,
Missing people,
Missing moments that made me who I am,
Moments that marked me so badly, I am going to carry them with me forever,
And I probably wish I could go back in time,
Just to be young and foolish again!
And to be loved (:
Happy Friday World!
PinkNose x
Posted by ZOu at 09:36 0 comments
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
So, after this long convo with Damry,
Followed by this long convo with myself,
I am completely convinced that this is just a rebound.
YES! I can rebound, after 4 years.
I am AH-mazing!
This is just like a stupid teenage crush. The teenager inside of me is taking over!
Moving on!
Let's write something legit, shall we?
Life is a happy song! Let's all dance and stop being worried about stupid stupid stupid things!
Let's all be T.H [[♡]]
Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.
Slapsgiving is around the corner. You know what to do? :)
Also, SHUT UP Life!
Stop making me fall in love with everyone,
I can't do that?
I can't become that crazy person who just fall in love every time,
Okay, this post is lame. Lame. Lame.
Tom tom tom tom tomly tom! LALALALALA!
Good Night,
I need to think,
About this whole damn situation,
Stop confusing me world! >.<
Posted by ZOu at 21:10 0 comments
"When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are to become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the desire to mate every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body. No ... don't blush. I am telling you some truths. For that is just being in love; which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over, when being in love has burned away. Doesn't sound very exciting, does it? But it is!"
This quote just had to be here.
It's so beautiful and heartbreaking.
Getting back to JKT's midnight joint :)
Be happy!
Because life is short,
And you want to enjoy every single second of it laughing and smiling,
Because you don't want to die with a heartbreak,
You want to die, satisfied,
Satisfied with life and love,
Happy Independence Day by the way!
Happy Birthday Atif!
And I am bored. I can't write.
I need to sleep. And critically analyse. And essay. And call. And stalk. And blah.
Posted by ZOu at 14:23 0 comments
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Happy Tuestuestuesday!
Happy Tuesday!
Stop being angry at the world,
Spread it so hard it makes you laugh your ass out!
It will all make sense,
Something along this line,
All your life you are going to work for others,
ZOubanana! :)
Posted by ZOu at 18:59 1 comments
Sunday, 9 March 2014
Eleven Years of ShareeZOu ♡
We've been lucky in love friendship.
We found each other, again, when the rest of our world stopped making sense,
We learnt to appreciate the power of our relationship, again and better, when we lost in every other battles,
We found each other, when Life was giving up on us,
And we made Life worthwhile by being there for each other,
And by living each other's dreams,
I love you,
The real thing,
I love you so much,
You made me realise that friendship is not something that happens overnight,
Friendship is like a plant,
You have to take care of it, water it, talk to it, and value it,
You have to protect it,
Friendships that you are lucky to have, are those that have lasted years,
Those that took years to consolidate,
It went through storms, broken promises, secrets not kept, but also, love.
A love so intense, nothing else can be compared to it,
Friendships like these need to be handled with care,
Eleven years of you,
Eleven years of trying to understand you and trying to figure you out,
And I don't even need that now,
Neither do you [[Miaow- your trademark]],
Eleven years of us and deep conversations about going to the washroom happens!
Eleven years of us and we both end up dreaming about me and DK,
Eleven years of us and viber wants to commit suicide, and Mark is still not getting those socks!
Eleven years of us and I don't think I could ask for better,
You are my happy ending!
You are always there when I need to dramatise about boys and fictional boyfriends,
You are there when I wake up and you are still there when I go to bed,
You are not the usual kind of friendship,
You are the special one,
The one who'll slap you [[twice]] in your face and ask you to get your shits together [[with love]]!
The one who will supervise your private conversations with guys and get shit done when you are on panic mode!
The one who will fight for you, against all odds and rationality!
You are the crazy kind of friendship,
The one who will ask you if you know any special prayers for repenting [[GETALIFE]],
The one who will constantly remind you what a mistake all your exes were. [[SERIOUSLY, I can't even acknowledge one of these guys. What was that? BLINDNESS?]]
The one who will miaow you on every line because they know you by heart!
You are the true kind of friendship,
The family-type!
And I know we are going to last forever,
Even if nothing does,
We are going to,
Because we are the real deal! ♡
And I love us!
srk ♡
Posted by ZOu at 19:41 2 comments
A Page From My Diary
Posted by ZOu at 11:20 0 comments
Saturday, 8 March 2014
I hate you (like I love you)
10 things I hate about you,
I absolutely and completely hate everything about you.
You are annoying as hell.
I hate that I can't talk to you, because you make me nervous.
I hate that you are perfect.
Perfect for me, at least,
I hate that you like everything that I like,
I hate seeing you, it makes me go cray cray,
I hate everything you do,
I hate your stupid stupid opinions about everything,
Because SHUT UP! You can not be that guy, the one I have been dreaming about for so long,
Just stop meeting everything on my stupid checklist,
Stop ruining my life,
And -.- I can't even complete this stupid post :(
I hate you.
My hate for you is as strong as Blair's hate for Chuck.
My hate for you has no boundary.
I hate you a little more than I hate Tom Hiddleston. And that's a very very very big deal.
I hate that I have this huge crush on you and I am constantly on panic mode when you message me.
I hate you and everything you say,
I hate that you can actually do things I want,
I hate that you know everything about what I love,
And you know what?
Because you are driving me crazy. Completely crazy.
And that's horrible.
I hate you (like I love you) : "Someone, call a doctor, got a case of a love bipolar!"
You are the Drama King to my Drama Queen-ness!
Posted by ZOu at 20:59 0 comments
Happy Women's Day
Happy Women's Day!
Celebrating Women,
And then, some people are going to jump on you because you are celebrating women. Yeah, that's right, some people just can't shut the eff up :)
Why don't you get all angry when it's Christmas? Why don't you shout to the world that Santa is not real and celebrating Christmas won't make him real? -.-
Or Mother's Day, yeah you love your mother everyday, I forgot. Sorry :D
Or Independence Day! AAH! That's a good one, why don't you celebrate your fucking country every day as well.
My BP is HIGH :D
FFS, it's women day,
Be proud you are a woman or a feminist,
Be proud you are one of those people who appreciate what the real thing is,
Don't just stand there and complain that women's day is useless,
Don't complain that women's day won't change the fate of every women,
Because World Health Day won't make you feel better either,
World's Book Day won't make people love books,
World's Cancer Day won't cure shit,
So just suck it up and let people celebrate the miracle women are, around the world!
Being a woman is probably the best thing in the world,
I'd rather be a woman than anything else,
Women are strong and they can do whatever the fuck they want,
Women are intelligent, and manipulative, they can make men do whatever the fuck they want,
Women are above all, beautiful,
Remember, you wouldn't be here without a woman,
Women have the power to change the world,
Without women, all men would be doomed,
"Frailty, thy name is woman" SHUT UP SHAKESPEARE!
Also, coming back to the fact that Women's day won't change the fate of women around the world,
Well, there is a lot you can do,
And there is a lot you can not do either,
You can't go out there and stop every women from being beaten up or raped,
You would think shouting on rooftops that we shouldn't beat up women would change people,
Well, it won't,
It's all in the mind,
You want to do good,
Do it,
Be proud of yourself,
Because you respect women, you respect others,
It's near to impossible-trying to change the mindset of a person who believes a woman's place is nowhere near men,
Some women-WOMEN, not men, believe they are nothing compared to men,
You can try to educate them,
You can try to open their eyes,
Most of the times, it will just be a waste,
There are still so many people who live not in today's times,
There are still so many people who do not believe in equality,
There are still so much our World needs to change,
Yeah, one day won't change it,
But atleast it will remind people of the real thing,
And maybe, one person, out of millions will change his/her mind about it,
Happy Women's Day,
Celebrate yourself,
You are beautiful and you can carry the weight of the world,
Be proud,
There are no other like you!
Posted by ZOu at 12:54 0 comments
Friday, 7 March 2014
"Love your life. Because your life is what you have to give." -TomHiddleston
And don't be afraid to do it,
Don't be afraid to show people who you truly are,
Don't be afraid to live it,
Because this is the sole purpose of your life- LIVING every single second of it to the fullest and not caring about what others have to say or what society/religion has to say,
If you live within limits and by the rules,
Then you are not living at all,
You are just making people happy,
You are just making God happy,
Yeah you can do that,
But for how long?
Live your life, the way you want to,
Don't let the world judge you,
Don't let the world guide you,
Do what you want! [[Okay, this was not intended, but yeah, you get the tone right?]]
Don't hide behind masks,
Don't hide behind what others want you to be,
Be true to yourself,
Be true to your dreams,
Be true to your beliefs,
Love your life,
Because your life is beautiful,
No matter how hard you think it is,
You need to stop and realise,
That everything you have is a beauty of life,
That your life is worth it,
And that you won't get that back,
You don't want to wake up and regret the things you could have done,
Regret that moments you could have lived,
Regret the dreams you could have achieved,
Wake up everyday to appreciate the beauty of what you have,
Wake up because you have a reason to,
Wake up because you want to accomplish something,
Don't waste your life,
Love it,
Every moment of it,
Every thing about it,
Because your life is something you won't get back,
Once it's gone.
So, yeah, love your life, because your life is what you have to give,
Not only to others,
But to yourself!
Happy Friday World!
"Miaow!" -JKT's line of the year :) Because JKT knows me by heart.
Also, can we all take a moment to realise that JKT and I have a borderline personality disorder? I can't even. Talking to yourself. Yeah. Best thing ever.
DK. I will dedicate you my next post. 10 things I hate about you. Because I love you. -.- ILY DK. -.- Also, somebody who read my post told me "You are deep." See. We are both deep, let's take the plunge now. It's like I am literally proposing to you. Except you don't even know you are DK. LAME!
Okay, that's enough ranting for today! :)
Have a cray cray weekend!
ZOuBanana =]
Posted by ZOu at 11:11 0 comments
Thursday, 6 March 2014
Live the Dream!
I am living the dream!
Haven't we all said that, at one point in our lives?
Sometimes, out of ignorance,
And sometimes, genuinely,
Because sometimes dreams do come true,
And if we are lucky, we get to live our dreams,
And we get to enjoy every single second of it,
It is truly magical!
We all have so many dreams,
Not all of them are going to be fulfilled,
Some might,
Some won't, ever,
Just be thankful if even one tiny part of your dream comes true,
Because not everyone lives to see what they have wished for come true,
Don't curse yourself because you wish you had asked for something else,
We all have this moment where something we want happens, and we are like "I wish I had asked for something else!"
Don't do that,
Enjoy what you get,
Embrace the moment,
Even if it's a tiny thing,
Be happy and live it,
Because not everyone are as lucky as you are,
I am living the dream!
And I am probably one of the happiest persons in the Universe right now,
I don't care what the world thinks,
I feel so lucky,
I am doing so many things I always dreamt of,
And it's worth it,
And you know what,
When tiny dreams of yours start coming true,
You have hope,
Hope that even your craziest and most surreal dreams are going to come true one day,
And it makes the journey of life a little less painful and boring,
Because you believe one day,
That one dream might come true as well!
Happy Thursday World!
ZOuBanana! [[Eat bananas, it decreases stress! If you are constantly on panic mode like ME, then go bonkers on bananas :D]]
Posted by ZOu at 10:48 0 comments
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Ghosts From The Past
A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they've got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other way ♫
Pretty depressing,
It happens,
Sometimes, as you are walking and moving forward,
You feel like turning back for a few seconds,
Just a few seconds,
And those few seconds you look back,
Can bring a thousand memories back,
Those few seconds you spend watching everything you've left behind,
Can bring tears, you thought would never come again,
Because we are humans,
And even if we were strong enough to move on and forget what hurt us,
We even have the strength to take a chance and look back,
Look back on everything that lead to where we are today,
Look back on those memories that make up the story of our lives,
Look back on every single moment that defines who we are now,
It does not matter how much you claim you are over it,
Deep down, it's always going to be there,
You are always going to feel it,
And it will still be like the first time,
Be it the love,
Or the pain,
It will still hurt as it did the first time you went through it,
And this is the beauty of life,
[[Plus the fact that wherever we are, we all watching the same moon. AAH! That was one crazy moment, wasn't it JKT? But that's another story.]]
The fact that no matter how far we've reached in our journey,
We are still going to turn around,
We are still going to wonder how it would feel if our destination was the one we gave up on,
We are still going to regret some things,
But we are also going to smile,
We are going to smile because we know we've come a long way,
And we still have to go places,
We still have so much to do,
And no matter how difficult the journey is going to be,
We can make it,
And then, there are the people around us,
The people who are still on this journey with us,
And thanks to them,
"We can chase the ghosts of our past," -A.R.
We can continue the road and realise it all happened for the best,
Because we've been through hell,
More than once,
And we made it!
It happens :)
"Bade bade deshoon mein, aisi choti choti batein, hoti rehti hai!"
Farah x
Posted by ZOu at 20:53 0 comments
Monday, 3 March 2014
I Miss You =D
I miss you,
I miss your stupid texts,
Especially the one you send at 3 in the morning to tell me there are roosters in QB!
And those texts you send me when you can not cram any more laws,
And those texts when you are missing people from the past,
Or just telling me how sexy you-know-who is!
I miss you being a bitch to me,
Asking me to drug myself so we can meet the next day,
Telling me to suck it up because I keep whining about some random guy,
Stating the obvious-how lame I am because I keep complaining about every single thing,
I miss seeing you,
Your fat and black face with a hole in it :D
The hole in your leg. You know the one that is so weird it freaks me out :)
I miss your hugs,
The bones-crushing one,
The one you usually give me in the middle of the bus station when we meet!
I miss your calls,
The random ones,
The one when we were young and in love,
When you would call me to tell me you saw my crush,
And I miss getting in random buses with you,
Just because we were in panic-mode or because you wanted to know how the new UBS was!
I miss the school bus and our crazy convos!
I miss singing with you, in the bus,
I miss your songs,
You singing-is a class above!
I miss that so much,
Especially when you replace the words with my name :)
I miss you so much I could get on a plane, right now, and get back home TERE LIYE! =]
It's crazy how I miss you,
Every day,
And I can't wait for you to be here,
With me :)
I miss every moment we shared together,
But I am not sad,
Because there's still so much we need to do,
We need to rock this world!
We need to be crazy together-the London way!
We need to live together and fulfill all our craziest dreams-TOGETHER!
ZOu :)
Posted by ZOu at 18:06 0 comments
Saturday, 1 March 2014
Work for it :)
Write about Spring, somebody said.
Is Spring when flowers grow again?
You know, when Rats tells Meow to smile because every flower blooms again?
Yeah, this is Spring,
Well, I'll write about Spring when I experience it,
Because right now, it's still cold,
And my favourite song is playing,
It's dark :)
"Stars can't shine, without darkness."
AHH! Whoever came up with this quote, I LOVE YOU!
This is such a nice quote, especially for desperate people like me and JKT :P
Working so hard and still wondering when we will get plucked from the tree,
Don't mind this reference :)
But, true,
Every flower blooms again,
And every one has to go through dark moments to finally find the light :)
Life is not an easy path,
But it's worth all the pain and darkness,
Sorry, Atif just came up on my playlist. TU JAANE NAAAA!
Such a heartbreaking song, I used to listen to it every night in memory of this guy I used to love. LAME!
It's such a beautiful song though,
This is what I'm talking about,
This used to be like such a horrible moment of my life,
And now, I got over it,
I can listen to this song and smile,
I don't have to keep crying over it,
I had the power to watch my whole world fall apart and still come out of it smiling,
We can all do this,
We can all come out of the darkness smiling happily,
Because as we go through it,
We realise there are so much more to Life,
We realise we still have more to achieve,
We realise we still have so many things to acquire,
And we look for the light,
Even if it hurts,
Even if we are lost,
We work hard and make sure the sun rises again,
Because, yeah,
Sometimes Life is not fair and the sun does not SIMPLY rise overnight,
We have to work for it,
We have to help ourselves,
And-you know how it goes right?-God will help you!
This post is definitely not related to last night, but still,
It's a better post than the morning one :)
PinkNose :)
Posted by ZOu at 19:12 0 comments
Hello, March! I hate you - passionately =D
What? February is over?
It's like the end of an era. *Drama*
Well, March can be pretty great too,
Except for the fact that it's full of essays and presentations.
Yeah, shut up MARCH >.< Let me have fun :(
Last night, I had this really great post all written up and then I thought I shouldn't post it,
No one ends February with a sad post! :)
It started with this quote from Parenthood : "It's crazy how you can love someone so much and still want them to go."
Yeah, that would have been a pretty depressing and sad post.
Let's move on to March!
I don't even know which season we are in,
It never snowed and I feel like I am cursed,
My one chance to dance in the snow >.>
I am doing my essay, yeah, that's right,
Nailing this shit!
Okay, joke. I am so lazy, I don't even want to study anymore,
I just want to sleep on my couch and watch amazing movies,
And dream of Tom,
Because let's face it, Tom is blessing people's dreams all over the world,
Especially mine,
Okay, boring. Tom is getting boring.
I am excited because.
No I am not excited. I am not high either.
I am in geeky mode. I am going to study.
Yeah, that's the right decision.
I will thank myself later, when I have the best job on earth. [[LAME!]]
I'll write an awesome post tonight.
After all the flooding emotions from last night,
I definitely need to write a post about it!
ZOuBanana! :)
Posted by ZOu at 09:30 0 comments