Friday 17 June 2011

Stone-Hearted FTW (H)

You know what they say? Loneliness never killed!

I shall survive too, I guess.
Right now, I feel like I have been left alone, to my sort and without any one to be by my side,
But what can I do?

This is The Life!
We've got to learn to stand up on our own,

Even if it means being ALONE.
When you have been through SO much,
Being alone does not hurt much,
If it gets difficult,
Life shall find some new ways to entertain me =]

It never killed to pretend that all's well,
And to believe that everything will be fine,

People leave,
It's nothing new,
I have learned to get over each and every one of you!
Even if you are my "BFF".

Good Night =]


Sonia said...

I think it's my favourite post from you!!! It's a personal post and I can relate to it...
Sometimes you find good friends, rather listeners in people you never met before...I honestly like talking to strangers when something's bugging me. I somehow feel safer =]

ZOu said...

hanks :)
And I need to agree that "friends forever" is a myth and that many a time, strangers are better than people who's been there since a long time,
I used to be really immature? I used to look for "friends" in strangers,
And then I realised they were there just for a reason : "To listen, to help get over some problems" , they are never going to be friends,
They are strangers who touch the core but not enough to still be there tomorrow.

I think I might write another post from this haha. :)