Thursday 2 June 2011


Hanna :"You don't know the first thing about me."
Caleb :"No, you don't know the first thing about you." ♥

I am so in love with Caleb right now. =]
Last Night something amazing happened ^^
I am officially having a huge crush on somebody-you don't need to know who ^^

Life is plain boring,
June should have been a snowing winter,
I always ask for snow,
Don't ask why,
It makes me a happy woman =P

Last night, I realised I could not write if I was not happy,
Neither can I write when I am not sad,
The gist is that I am not happy and not sad, 
SO, I can not come up with any writing =|

Djamshid [You can stop complaining, I did not say Damn Ree this time ^^] just sent me a great video [=
It makes me happy : Not happy enough for inspiration though,
But it makes me happy because every night when I close my eyes,
I dream of this place,
And every night it's the same story,
I see that face,
And I see mine,
And I see a happy me ^^

I don't know how many seconds are left for my dream to come true,
But I know it ain't too far away,
When this winter will be over-there'll be only one winter left before I can live my dream,
And have a happy life,

With whoever comes in my dreams every night ^^

I watched an amazing movie tonight,
"Zindagi humE tera, aetbaar na raha.." 

Life never gives up on us,
We do,
Because we can never find enough strength and enough reason to get over our pain,
Life never gives up on us,
We do,
Because we do not have the ability to see the light that comes right after the darkness,
We are too plunged into our own miseries,
We are too much into ourselves,
We fail to see that Life offers us more than one chance,
We fail to see that every time something goes wrong,
Something right is being shaped up,

Life never gives up on us,
Rather we give up on Life,
Because we  succumb to our desires,
Because we give in to our weaknesses,
We never stand up to ourselves,
We stand up to the world,
But we can never stand up to ourselves,
And if we could,
It would make a whole lot of difference,
The world would have been a better place to live in!

Good Night People =]
ZOu (=  

P.S. TAM? I don't know (: I love using new words in the wrong contexts.