Wednesday 8 June 2011

Time to move!

Transitions in life are usually marked by major events, birthdays, graduations, weddings; but the greater transition often come out of smaller moments, when we stop and look at who we are, because each time we see how far we have come, we also see how far we still have to go. In order to fully transform, we might need to free ourselves of everything we've been holding on to, to send us on our new path, the right one. But if at the end, you find the person you have become is not the person you want to be. You can always turn around and try again. And may be the next time you won’t be so alone when it’s over.." ~G.G

 And maybe transition is only fully marked when we realise the rest of the world is not always going to be who they said they would be,
When we realise nothing happens like in books or movies,
When we realise even the strongest things, fall apart,
When we realise, those who do not look like friends-can sometimes be TRUE to us,
Unlike the rest..

Transition is completed only when we learn that apart from ourselves,
There exist other people around,
There exist people for whom not everything is BRIGHT,
But they still make the effort to be HAPPY for us,
There exist people who needs us more that we need them,
But they are never going to say it because they have learnt the hard way,
That life is not always about ourselves,
It's also about those who have been there for us when we could not stand on our own feet.

Transition is only accomplished when we stop being so dumb,
We start being original  =] (Just saying huh!)
So yeah, transition is only accomplished when we stop giving a damn about petty things,
We grow up and we finally accept that it's not always RAINBOWS AND BUTTERFLIES. [SWBL-M5]
We realise that what we are going through is not the END of the world,
And we are still very much alive,
And it's high time we stop blaming ourselves/others/whoever for what happened,
And we stop hurting people just because we are hurt =]

And if THIS seems impossible,
Then surely, every other things we thought could never happen,
Will surely happen!

Time to go read crap,crappy people wrote!
Good Night =]


Anii said...

i like the crap.
original also
"And we stop hurting people just because we are hurt "

I'm sorry for today or any other days

i knew you would write something. and i came to check your blog,and here it was.

Thanks for making me realise certain things

i'm not perfect. i'm trying hard to just "Don't" give a damn. every person's life is different. in a way of another. what may seems petty for someone might mean something BIG as the ocean fro another one!
Everything is in how you receive things. If you're strong and someone just come and throw a BIG pebble at you[petty right] you won't give a damn. actually you'll laugh and pity the one who even dared to think that a big people would hit you in places crappy people won't be allowed.

But if morally you are down.emotionally dead, blablabla,in short you're having a bad time. this same pebble could be the cause of a great misery. maybe it would be like "la goutte d'eau qui a fait deborder le vase"
but the harm will be done. you won't have time to think that "hey i think i should ignore this stupid throwing pebbles at me!" no instead you'll cry on what you've become! you'll cry on inexistent wounds and you'll start to hate yourself.

Yes, it's not always rainbows and butterflies. life is about ups and downs. that's the transition you were talking about. yeah. you might sometimes be a happy-go-lucky someone, but you can as well be a grumpy poor-hurt-stupid-crap. it happens. and it's all about life


ZOu said...

The crap and original was not for you-it was for you know who-getting on my nerves with the crappy things she writes -__-

I know it's something big for you. I never said it was not. It's just that it's been prolly more than one whole year-and I keep trying to make you face the HARSH reality that WHAT YOU ARE GETTING DOWN ON/DEPRESSING ON IS NOT WORTH IT ANYMORE.
Look into yourself Anii,
Is it really now? This thing has been going on since a long time,
How much can you hate yourself?
How much can you blam yourself?
How much can you stop living because if people who are ACTUALLY not giving a damn about you.
Wake up.
They don't care anymore,
It's been way too many times they've done this to you : I kept telling you "Maybe you are to be blamed too." BUT NO : Can't you SEE : They are not who you thought they were-and today I am sincerely fed up : Because I hate seeing you like this : THIS CAN NOT BE YOU ---> You can't start being a person who gets moody or on the defensive every now.
You are some one else,
Don't lose who you are because you discovered some people's real self.
Stay the person you are,
Apply the things you preach,
Get over the past,
Live Today,
Be happy,

Don't be sorry about what you previously said to me : I am not angry,
I am just tired of who you are trying to turn into because you feel you've lost the world's biggest treasure.
You have not.
There are better things around.
You-like the rest-deserve the best of everything,
You need to stop turning into sth you are not,
You need to start being who you are again,
Because if you lose who you are,
You might never get it back.
And i don't want that to happen because of some egoccentric people.