Thursday 23 June 2011

Tomorrow is unknown to us!

 “You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”

Because this quote holds a lot of truth,
And has the capacity to describe exactly what many of us go through daily, or sometimes,

The life we planned : Happy,Sunny,Healthy,Wealthy,Lovely, with all the best people out there by our sides and fame probably in some cases.

The life we live : Totally another story.


Maybe because reality is hard,
Living in a dream might be amazing,
Planning each and every detail of our tomorrow seems exciting,
But it is hardly what happens the next day,
Very often we are unaware of what our tomorrow reserves us,
Despite all our planning and hoping,
A lot of times,
The contrary happens - be it for the best or for the worst!

Sometimes it is important that what we plan does not happen,
Because it helps us change our perspective on Life and other important issues,
And sometimes it is unfair,

Because we work hard to make the perfect tomorrow,
And the next moment we open our eyes,
Reality is a nightmare,
Dreams remain dreams!

Then, there are those who will go to any extent to make their tomorrow look like it appeared in their mind,
Sometimes they overcome their fears and surpass themselves,
And sometimes they make use of hypocrite ways to achieve their goals, hurting people, and forgetting about their own selves,
They become that merciless person who's thirsty for [not blood!] power or fame or happiness,
They become oblivious to the fact that happiness is found not into living for ourselves,
But in sharing the little we have with the many people around us =]

V:"Harry Potter, why do you live?"
H:"Because I have something worth living for!"

Planning our tomorrow is what we want to do,
But very often tomorrow is a different story,
To be able to accept that tomorrow can reserve us anything,
We need to give up on planning,
We need to embrace what has been planned beforehand for us,
We need to believe in the life that is waiting for us,
It is only then, that we can live our every dream,
It is only then, that everything we planned will take place!
Zou x)