Tuesday 27 December 2011

Her Story x

They say someday someone will come and she will finally get over all her past heartaches,
But every year it's the same story,
No one ever comes and she keeps waiting in vain..

With every passing year,
She is starting to believe less and less,
And someday she will probably wake up and believe no more in L.O.V.E.
God maybe, feels she has had enough "love" for the rest of her life,
Or He probably thinks she already get the best things in Life :P

Oh Nadaan Parinde, Ghar Aaja..♥
[You have to listen to this song :

She will soon be one of the lost Parindes and she shall lose her way till Home,
She will lose faith in everything,
And this time no one will be able to save her,
Not even herself,
Because at one point, it becomes impossible to believe there is still some good/love left in this World for her.

She is probably the forgotten apple,
She will probably be left on the top of the tree all her life,
She is just not one of those apples that can be picked,

She was probably made to be forgotten =]

And it is probably time for Bed :D
This was the story of her life : The Forgotten Apple :)

