Tuesday 6 December 2011

We can re-write Destiny x)

"We all like to think that we're in the driver's seat of our own lives. But the truth is, the idea that we can control our fate is an illusion. You can choose the most loyal friends, the dream job, the truest love.But at the end of the day, our fate is decided for us. All we can do is hope we have the strength to cope with the hand she deals us." ~Gossip Girl.

Well, our Destiny is written beforehand :)
But it is in our own power to make it beautiful,

It is our choices that makes us who we are,
It is our moves that chooses where we are going to end up next,
It is only us who can ornate the path our Destiny chose for us,

The Key to our Life lies in our own hand,
Even if sometimes we feel powerless,
The truth is that,
Only we can make everything else better,


S M I L E,

L A U G H,

reach for your D R E A MS,

and get over your nightmares,

re-write your  D E S T I N Y,

and C O L O U R it,

B R I G H T E R =D

zOu ♥