Sunday 11 December 2011

A Mid-Night Post :)

We have all been through one of those days where we wake up and tell ourselves we have had enough of this life; either because we cannot bear the pain we constantly come across anymore or because we feel we have lived our Life to the fullest and we need to more of it. [Self-Actualisation actually]

And, most of the times, we wake up to such thoughts/feelings when we feel we have faced too much sorrows.   This makes us wonder why does the pain always outweigh the happy life? Why can't we count our miseries on our fingers? Is the fault ours? Are we the ones asking too much out of life or does this Life gives us too little?

A depressed me would say Life is unfair and a happy me would agree Life is wonderful the way it is but a neutral me just have this to say:

The truth is that Life gives us both the sorrows and the joys, only we are too weak to overcome the bad days; only we are too weak to pick our happiness from the scattered sorrows of our broken dreams. 
We are weak and that is the sole reason we exist; had we not been so, Eve would never have been tempted.
We are weak and this is the only reason our sorrows always seem to outweigh our happiness. No matter how strong we feel we are, fighting our way through this world, the truth is that we are mere humans and we were born weak.
We all break at some points.

And I am back to having either no inspiration or too much excitement about Christmas,
I can not write anymore because I have to go get ready for another awesome shopping day :)
This part of the post was not written at midnight because ofc.

I just wrote this and  I will probably be back here tonight to jot down some other posts because I feel like I need to write a lot before 2012 :)
You will probably all die next year :)
Not me :) I am a witch♥

ZOu♥ [I am very much magical, I can show you my Hogwarts acceptance letter anytime :P]