Friday, 30 December 2011

2011 : Adios :) 2012 : Welcome ♥

[[Nearly 200th Post]]

2011 : Bidding Good Bye to this awesome year will be pretty easy :) It was probably the best year till date. It brought the usual tears and downs but mostly a lot of smiles, laughter, good days, great memories, wonderful new people, and yes, a LOT of UPS :P

2011 was maybe one of the most special years for me :) It changed the whole ME into a new ME :)
And despite the many negative comments, I think I like the new me a lot more than the old me :P 

Anyhow, 2011 will be a very easy year to let go of, since I am desperately waiting for 2012 :) No, we are NOT dying in Twenty-Twelve people! GTH :P I believe 2012 will be much fun and as good as 2011 has been.

2011 was probably not as great for some of you : So, yeah, every new year is maybe like a New Hope rising inside of us and a new light at the end of the dark tunnel :) Hence, hoping that 2012 brings a lot of hope and light in your life if you have been unhappy this year. Remember, that Life is not always about what we want, it is often about what is the best for us. If you have not been happy this year, there's always next year and if it's the same story then try to find petty but meaningful happiness from the problems/hurdles you come across daily :)

2011 on the other side has probably been the best year for some :) It's a good thing but don't forget that Life is not ALWAYS that bright; you shall come across sorrows so toughen yourself up for the new year and keep smiling and remembering the best days you've had when Life throws lemons at you!

2011 is coming to an end ; never forget the beautiful moments you've lived this year, carry them with you forever, carry them wherever you go and keep them close to your heart because if something goes wrong, those very memories will be your support and the reason for your smile :)

2011 : Ending.
Let's embrace 2012 with much hope and dreams :) It will probably be one of your most cherished years, who knows? [[If we don't all die actually :P JOKE eh, 2012 is so not real :D]] 
Wishing you all much love and happiness for the coming year,
Hoping we can all find what we are looking for,
Hoping we can all put behind our painful pasts,
Hoping we can all move on, in the right path with the right people,
Hoping 2012 brings light,health and more :)

A Very Happy Twenty Twelve to you all :) And especially to the People of My Heart,
Those who stayed :)
Those who left :)
Those yet to come! ♥

A Very Happy and Bubbly ZOu♥

[[Dude : 489 words :D Nearly 500 eh >.>]]

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Her Story x

They say someday someone will come and she will finally get over all her past heartaches,
But every year it's the same story,
No one ever comes and she keeps waiting in vain..

With every passing year,
She is starting to believe less and less,
And someday she will probably wake up and believe no more in L.O.V.E.
God maybe, feels she has had enough "love" for the rest of her life,
Or He probably thinks she already get the best things in Life :P

Oh Nadaan Parinde, Ghar Aaja..♥
[You have to listen to this song :

She will soon be one of the lost Parindes and she shall lose her way till Home,
She will lose faith in everything,
And this time no one will be able to save her,
Not even herself,
Because at one point, it becomes impossible to believe there is still some good/love left in this World for her.

She is probably the forgotten apple,
She will probably be left on the top of the tree all her life,
She is just not one of those apples that can be picked,

She was probably made to be forgotten =]

And it is probably time for Bed :D
This was the story of her life : The Forgotten Apple :)



Friday, 23 December 2011

My Letter To Santa :D

Nearly Christmas :)
High time to write your letters to Santa if you didn't do it yet,people!

I WANT this >.<

Dear Santa,

This year was BLISS :) I will ignore the few horrible things I went through and just remember the awesome things I got :)
I had one of the most amazing birthdays ever :) 

And now I am living the best Holiday of my Life :)
What shall I ask for more? I am having loads of happy moments and that is quite enough :)
My best friend is near me :)

My other best friend cut her fingers because she is dumb and we are having no fights [we are a couple ikr!] :D
And Life is smiling at us ♥
I got so many amazing people around me and so many great moments to look back and smile that I am not sure if I should be asking for anything more :)
Bugger off :P

I will just ask for some more smiles and laughter :)
And maybe a Dhunki? -.- NO! I don't need Dhunki :P He is my forever crush and I am happy :D

But yeah, if Imran/Ranbir could just be available? (A) Okay-I am joking :D I got my dose with Ek mein aur Ekk Tu and Rockstar AND the Mauritian Dhunki :D

Well, a Teddy is always welcome on Christmas :) Don't you dare forget Santa or I'll make sure your elves are raped :D


ZOu [The gana way : Dhunkie] :D

I love how this year everything is brighter :)
And I love the people responsible for this PLUS I am loving myself MORE since I am responsible for my being a happy bitch!

Let us just forget the difficult phases since Christmas is supposed to be THE happy season of the Year :D

P.S. I love how google is all HOLY-days-y :D And How the Snow falls when you tell it to :P SNOW *_*


Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Holy Highness :D

Some days away from Christmas :)
I am LOVING Holidays this year :)
And I am loving each and every thing about my life [Okay not each and every, but mostly loving it] :)
The only thing wrong is the weather? I am literally BLACK.

I hate getting a tan -.- 
I love being pretty :)
A tanned Zou ain't pretty -.-

Anyways, this post is to tell you to make the most of your holidays :)

I don't even feel like wondering how miserable I will be once I get back to school :)

I am high almost everyday : High on every thing :)
Well, I am back to the cheerful me and this is A GOOD THING : not for me but for the people around me, they don't have to complain about my moody self and my sulking faces :) 

Enjoy yourselves,

I'll be back with some proper posts soon.


[P.S. Highness=My new CAM :)]

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Rainy Days in the Cold and Grey Town :)

Today I woke up to one of the best feelings on earth :) I woke up to the sound of heavy rain falling and tapping against my window :)
It felt like I was back to school days the only good/different thing about it was that I did not have to wake up to actually get ready to go,

I could stay in bed and listen to the rain fall all morning ♥
It rained all day and I just sat on a couch watching the rain fall,
It was BLISS :)
Probably because I grew up in a rainy town and I went to school nearly drenched all my Life,

And having rainfall after ages made me a happy bitch today :)
The only thing missing was Home and Anii♥
Home, where the Heart is and where the Heart will remain :)
I missed sitting on that old bench of ours and watching the rain falling.

I missed hearing the noise it made when it fell against the roof.
I missed seeing people running down the street :)

I missed being in the heart of the cold and grey town today,

I missed being where I left my heart today,
I will probably miss this place all my Life and 
I will probably have the same feeling each time it will rain ♥

I love having rain at this time of the year because it reminds me of a pretty special End of Year when it would not stop raining and when I had the best times of my Life ♥

This post is to tell you how amazing it is to have the feeling of the rain falling on my face again,
And to wish you all a very Rainy December ♥


[P.S I am in an AMAZING mood-PLEASE don't start fucking up my mood people. I am sincerely fed up :) END.]

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Rainy Afternoons :)

This morning I sat alone in a crowded place and I was instantly reminded of the school attic.  I felt like I was back to that attic on those rainy afternoons where we would anxiously wait for the bell to ring in the hope of catching the school bus despite the many staircases we have to run along and the many people we have to bump into.

I remember those rainy afternoons when we would sit in the attic waiting for the bell to ring and looking through the little windows and seeing nothing but the mist.  The attic used to be dark on afternoons like these, and if you would just sit there you would smell ; fresh paint mixed with the smell of old wood. 

The rain would fall noisily on the roof and we would hear the bell ringing on the other side of the street.

I remember those days when we would run in the rain and try to catch the school bus; we would run across the crowded corridors till we reached outside.
I love how it would keep raining all the way to Vacoas and how I would watch the rain fall against the glass of the bus. I love how I would start writing things on the glasses and be a happy me :)

I remember those afternoons in the attic when it was dark ♥
Those were probably the best memories I will carry all my Life :)
In moments like those, one could sit back and make Life-Changing Decisions because in moments like those you would leave the world behind you :) Everything would seem so easy and so perfect.

I still remember those afternoons in the attic and I can still smell the paint :)
I can still hear the rain falling :)
Everything is still the same,

The only difference is that I am not there anymore,
I am just miles away and I miss being the girl sitting under those roofs waiting for the bell to ring on rainy afternoons.♥

Have a Good Night Wonderful People,
Everything is so peaceful tonight,


A Mid-Night Post :)

We have all been through one of those days where we wake up and tell ourselves we have had enough of this life; either because we cannot bear the pain we constantly come across anymore or because we feel we have lived our Life to the fullest and we need to more of it. [Self-Actualisation actually]

And, most of the times, we wake up to such thoughts/feelings when we feel we have faced too much sorrows.   This makes us wonder why does the pain always outweigh the happy life? Why can't we count our miseries on our fingers? Is the fault ours? Are we the ones asking too much out of life or does this Life gives us too little?

A depressed me would say Life is unfair and a happy me would agree Life is wonderful the way it is but a neutral me just have this to say:

The truth is that Life gives us both the sorrows and the joys, only we are too weak to overcome the bad days; only we are too weak to pick our happiness from the scattered sorrows of our broken dreams. 
We are weak and that is the sole reason we exist; had we not been so, Eve would never have been tempted.
We are weak and this is the only reason our sorrows always seem to outweigh our happiness. No matter how strong we feel we are, fighting our way through this world, the truth is that we are mere humans and we were born weak.
We all break at some points.

And I am back to having either no inspiration or too much excitement about Christmas,
I can not write anymore because I have to go get ready for another awesome shopping day :)
This part of the post was not written at midnight because ofc.

I just wrote this and  I will probably be back here tonight to jot down some other posts because I feel like I need to write a lot before 2012 :)
You will probably all die next year :)
Not me :) I am a witch♥

ZOu♥ [I am very much magical, I can show you my Hogwarts acceptance letter anytime :P]

Christmas is near! :)

I woke up early and felt like writing here again,
Probably I was bumped into the head last night since I keep wanting to write just 2 hours after I told myself I could no longer write a word and I probably can not come up with great things either but I can still combine the words and write some 3 to 4 paragraphs ---> This thing makes me quite smiley because I don't feel like I failed anymore. Writing is sacred.

It's 5 in the morning here and the world is still sleeping.  It feels awesome to wake up and open your windows and hear not a single sound apart from the chirping of happy birds [or sad ones? How would I know :S Their songs are quite cheerful actually-they must be happy!] :) I don't have to run downstairs to go wake my baby niece today because she ain't home. I will just sit here and write :)

Last night I wrote some three pages in my diary and I will soon post it here because I kinda loved what I wrote even if it won't make sense to most of the people reading it [it will for a bunch of peeps]. 

It's nearly Christmas and I am loving the fact that wherever I go-the Christmas tree and the Christmas feeling is already on :) I love how everywhere is crowded with crazy people around Christmas time :) I love how every street in town is happily decorated during this season of the year. Christmas is surely the best time of the year [apart from February OFC :O] :) People shop like insane during this time of the year, including ME :) I got myself like one thousand gifts already :) HOHO! Santa is early this time and I am loving it :)

The only thing lacking is SNOW :) I wish we had white Christmases here too :/
Oh well, we shall just tackle with what we have for now :)

Merry Chrishopping People!

ZOu ♥

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Real Friends Win Over Fake Smiles =]

I was ordered to write a post on fake smiles,
But I think I wrote too much about fake smiles and fake friends for this semester/year.
I shall probably just get back to the blessing of having people who know how to make you feel better when you just wrote about how terrible a writer you can be or about how fake your life can be.  It is probably very rare that you will come across somebody in life who can make you feel better just by being a listener or just by being present.  

We all have good friends, but it take a very special and sincere friend to know what your deepest wounds are, without actually hearing about it from you.  It take a very genuine friend to make you smile just after you got your heart broken into millions of pieces by a guy you loved.  It take a very true friend to know how to make you feel again after you gave up on all your dreams and after Life gave up on you.

Yes, I am certainly the one person who constantly write about how hypocrite my good friends can be or about how a loner I am.  But it takes only that one real friend of yours to understand that none of these are aimed at her/him, because that one friend has been there in your darkest hours and she/he wiped your tears every time you cried and he/she laughed with you every time Destiny brought back some light in your life.  

No matter how many times I say I am loner, and no matter how many times I say no one can actually feel the way I do, I know you will and I know you will never leave my side even if I leave my own.  Because you have the power to make me believe again, you have the power to make me rise from my ashes.  I will maintain that I live quite a fake life but I will never deny that somehow you are the only true thing in my Life. You are one of the best things that happened to me and I know that if I close my eyes, you will be there to guide me at every step of my Life.
Certainly, sometimes I feel I lost you, but the truth is that I did not and I won't ever because I carry you in my heart and you are one of the most important things about me,

I have many friends, and most of them are nearly all hypocrites, and I have you : this makes the whole difference.
You are not the rest and you will never be, because you have read my deepest fears, you have known my darkest sins :)
And I carry you in my heart,

I carry you with me ♥

Always. x


It's not always easy to count your blessings!

Count your blessings, she told me.
I would,
I do actually,
But every time I find myself picking up my blessings along the path of Life,
All I can collect are thorns,
The miseries outweigh the blessings,
Of course I am grateful for the happy moments I get to live,
I am happy I have people who are there for me,
I am happy I have this Life,

And I always count those wonderful blessings,
But I can not deny the fact that I come across the same pain again and again,
And actually more often,
Then how can I close my eyes on the pain?
How can I just go along this path happily counting and collecting my few blessings?

This line was probably made up by people who are most of the time happy and for people who keep whining all the day,
I am probably a whiner,
But I don't actually give a damn,
Because this is the real me,
I keep trying to find happiness in every little thing I do,
And all I come across is mere sorrows.

No, I am not quite complaining this time,
I am just making it clear that I have not had my share of happiness yet,
And sometimes I feel like I will never get it,
Sometimes I feel like I will be left behind,

And yes, I know what I have and I am grateful for that,
If I was not,
Then most of you would probably not even be near to my ♥
I let you in,
I let them in,
Because I know your worth,
And I know theirs,
But these few blessings cannot make up a Life,
Sometimes to keep going,
You need genuine things,
You need to feel like it IS a genuine smile,
You need to feel it is a genuine laughter,

Because it is not always that easy to laugh with the people you love and remembering,
I wonder how long I can fake it :)

Piouks :)


Sometimes people write the things they can't say ♥

Been sitting in front of my keyboard and my screen since ages,
I don't feel like I know how to write anymore,
Either I lost my muse,
Or I have always been a terrible/horrible writer,

I keep writing some 5 lines and then deleting everything,
Because it either makes no sense,
Or it is too depressing,
I feel so pathetic when I can not come up with awesome writings on my blog,
It's been ages I did not post anything meaningful.
I should probably just give up on writing,
Like I gave up on so many things I used to love,

Writing used to be the only thing through which I could express my deeper feelings,
My deeper thoughts,
My deeper pains,
And here I am,
Nothing on my mind,
Nothing to give to this blog of mine.

I realised it is probably people who made me feel this way,
Every time I write something I have to give explanations to people so they don't take it the wrong way,
Every time I write something about how horrible the people around me can be, every single person I am not even aiming at starts thinking I am talking about them,
And this brought me here.
I can not write anymore,
And if I happen to forget how to write beautiful things,
It will be all your fault,

I feel naked when I can't produce wonderful combinations of words on my blog,
It's like I am someone without any goal in life,
Because writing is to some point all my life,
I love writing♥

Like Damn-Ree said,
Some people truly have the wrong influence on me,
I should just stop listening to what people say,
I should just stop wondering how people will feel about what I write,
Because at the end of the day,
All the things I say,
All the things I write,
Are to some extent nothing but the truth,
And if facing the truth is difficult for some,
I don't think I can help! :)

Happy Saturday People.

Hoping I can get back to writing soon.


Tuesday, 6 December 2011

We can re-write Destiny x)

"We all like to think that we're in the driver's seat of our own lives. But the truth is, the idea that we can control our fate is an illusion. You can choose the most loyal friends, the dream job, the truest love.But at the end of the day, our fate is decided for us. All we can do is hope we have the strength to cope with the hand she deals us." ~Gossip Girl.

Well, our Destiny is written beforehand :)
But it is in our own power to make it beautiful,

It is our choices that makes us who we are,
It is our moves that chooses where we are going to end up next,
It is only us who can ornate the path our Destiny chose for us,

The Key to our Life lies in our own hand,
Even if sometimes we feel powerless,
The truth is that,
Only we can make everything else better,


S M I L E,

L A U G H,

reach for your D R E A MS,

and get over your nightmares,

re-write your  D E S T I N Y,

and C O L O U R it,

B R I G H T E R =D

zOu ♥ 

Monday, 5 December 2011

Mood : Happy! :)

Happiness is a mood,not a destination.

This quote is so true,
I am in a very happy mood and I feel like I am flying =]
Reason : None actually.
Or probably just the fact that I am on holidays and I do not have to go to classes everyday and put up with the usual drama(smiling,being nice to people I don't know,pretending everything is just so near to perfect.)!
And maybe just because I got to meet the people I love,
Who no matter where they are on the globe,
Still come back every year to make me smile big times!

One main reason for a happy mood would be : DECEMBER of course :)
YES! It IS a big deal,
December is a happy month,
With lots of merriness,
And it feels great to be actually merry this year,
It's been so many *holidays* I haven't been merry!

Happiness is a mood,not a destination.

We cannot always be happy,
Because Life is NOT about being HAPPY,
Sometimes it's about settling for what's better for us,
Sometimes it's about giving up on things,
Sometimes it's about laughing over happy moments,
And sometimes it's about crying over messed up situations.

Life is not about being happy,
Because no one is always happy,
I doubt anyone would actually see themselves as they are in the Mirror of Erised,
Because we all want more,
We all regret the past,
We all need to forsake what we like the most.

Happiness is a mood,not a destination.

Make the most of your happy mood,
Because it will help you go through your miseries and sorrows!
When you are in a happy mood,
Don't care about people,
Live your dreams,

Because Happiness does not come everyday,
Happiness does not last for hours,
It fades away quickly.



Friday, 2 December 2011

Happy 336th day of the year!

This post was originally written on the 01.12.11.

It's been raining for some times now,

I love when it rains,

Everywhere becomes gloomy and darkish,

It's the feeling of GOOD days creeping in!

I ended my paper 20minutes earlier,

20 minutes left for HOLIDAYS!

I can not wait any longer,

I know I deserve them this year>.<

It's been a good year,

With some quite horrible moments,

Now, don't we all have these?

No smile can be left without a teardrop,

No sorrow is complete without a silly smile,

Yes, have we all not been through amazing, yet awful days?

Of course, with each new day like these,

We learn to give up a little on our wildest dreams,

We learn to hope a little more for well deserved happiness,

We learn to forsake some friends,

We learn to be independent,

Because at the end of the day,
No one really matters,
It's about you,

And only YOU!

Have a good December with loads of snow,merriness,gifts,laughter and some tears to bid 2011 Ciao!

ZOu ♥

Friday, 18 November 2011

You wanted me to tell you, here it is.

You know those 3 ams when you want to go and knock on her door so loudly she'll wake up and listen to each and every of your tears without asking what's wrong?

I am having a similar moment.

I feel like waking her up and crying.

Do you know those messages they actually get wrong?
Well, everyone is getting my message the wrong way,
Either they overlook it,
Or they misunderstand it,

I hate my life so much these days,
All I do is wake up, go to classes, speak to NOBODY in particular, come back straight home, REVISING, have people misunderstanding me each and every minute,
Do you even know how it feels to HAVE NO ACTUAL - not a friend really, just someone to talk to?
Do you even know what it is to go to  classes and be like a NOBODY there?
Being ignored by almost everyone?

Do you even know how difficult it is to HAVE NO REAL FRIENDS during your college life?


No, I am NOT anti-social,

My friends left college after the first year,
And we were so good at ignoring the rest of the class,
I was left on my own when they left.
What am I supposed to do?
Be a hypocrite and talk to the people I used to laugh at?

What I do is I JUST STFU and suck it up,
Because even if I wanted no one would want to be my friend, really.
And this is like the worse shit ever.
Going to class and having no one to save you a place,
Going to class and talking to yourself-literally- because no one give a damn about what you think or how funny a thought you just had.
Going to class just to attend lectures which make no sense anymore.

And I don't need you to tell me,
"It's going to be okay",
Neither do I need you to tell me,

"You think I AM happy",

This is just too much people,
I am tired of dealing with every little misunderstandings,
You out of every single person alive should have understood,
But you can't,
And I don't reproach you,
The least you can do is NOT ADDING to my miseries,
I am a tired and lost soul,
I went through too much,

You can't imagine.

Good Night,
Maybe this blogpost will make sense and yes this blogpost is aimed at you and you too.
Don't come and ask me the meaning of it,
I just told you what was wrong.


Thursday, 17 November 2011

Nothing really.

People always think they are the only miserable things on earth,
What they do not know is that there are other people in a much more horrible state than them,

This brings us to friends!
Why do our lives revolve around friends when they are the only ones who do not take the time to understand us and believe in us?
Very few are those friends who understand each and every pain we go through,

And when you do not have such a friend,
It takes a hell lot of courage to stand by every painful situation you come across,

It is funny how with Time we realise those who should have understood all about us,
Those who should be there listening,
Actually give up on us simply because they start taking us for granted?
Or probably because they think we are used to our problems and we shall eventually find a solution to them one day or the other?

The truth is that they don't deem it right to spend so much time helping us get over things or leave behind our past,
The truth is that they only feel great about fulfilling their duty the first time,
The rest of your life- you deal with it,
They do not give a damn! :)

BLABLABLA : Same old story :)
Writing about our fake friends does not seem very legit anymore.

Happy November people! ♥

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Yehi Par Kabhi Aap Hum Se Milé Thé♥

That ONE single thing we'll always miss : School!
No, we can never get over it,

We spent too many years together,
We spent too many years cherishing our uniform,

We spent too many years walking along those lanes,

And when we get the chance to go back there,
We feel like there is actually something missing in our lives,
This feeling that we lost something we loved more than anything,
This feeling that we know it's over.

Somebody rightly stated, "Your school days are going to be the best ones in your Life."

Our school days were and will always be SACRED to us :)
Our school days contain those memories we carry with us everywhere, every time, until the End.♥

Our school days made us who we are today, and the bond we still and will always share.
It gave us what others could never give,
It gave us a smile to comfort us for the rest of our lives,
It gave us a shoulder to cry on until our last breath,
It gave us a partner in crime for the craziest deeds till we can manage it,
It gave us someone to count on even in our darkest hours,
It gave us someone to believe in when all hope is dead,
It gave us someone to fight with when everything is wrong,
It gave us someone call even if it's 3 in the morning,
It gave us someone who'll be there when the rest of the world would give up on us,
It gave us someone who'll still be ours when we'll lose everything,
It gave us someone who'll help us run away and get married if we need to,
It gave us someone who'll remember us even if they have the world's weight on their shoulder,
It gave us someone with whom we know we'll grow old,

It gave us above all,
The Power to Love and the Power to look back and say,

"Those were the best days of our lives and we are lucky we are still together!♥"

"We look awful
my dress is ehm,her skirt is double ehem
our faces look nothing but TIRED. well,in short,we are horrible.

but it is still the loveliest picture.
Because this is the place where everything started.
We fell in love [alala]
this is the place where in the cold winters we warmed up our hearts-coffee and maths helped,of course.
this is the place where we laughed [a LOT]
we even cried [ah,even the start of a depressive phase]

some would recognise this alley. Yes. THIS is the place

i love you Farah Naailah I.D [lol]
 " ~Anii.R
