Tuesday 7 January 2014

2014. Everything's gonna be awesome.

Happy 2014 World!
Can't believe I haven't been writing for over a year.
Time flies and somewhere along, I forgot how to write.
I just can't come up with awesome posts anymore.

2014 in London. THE dream. It's happening and somehow, everything's missing.
All the plans, all the checklists.
Everything is so lifeless.

Maybe I'm over-reacting.
*Everything is awesome* The Awesome Lego Song. Stuck in my head.
So many essays to write. So many tests to study for.
It's a busy busy busy year.

Okay, what am I even writing? I'm a failure. -.-

Last night I told myself : I'm giving up. Giving up on all the plans I made, because I feel like it's not working.
Today: My bff said "I'm giving up!"
Why are we giving up on things that we've both dreamt about?
Why should we give up on things we still believe in?
Why do we HAVE to give up?
When is it going to be our go?
When is it going to be the day when we wake up and we realise everything is working perfectly, nothing can go wrong now?
So many times, we've give up on things we held close to our hearts,
Every time it's the same song,
And maybe this is the way it's meant to be.
Maybe we just need to give up on everything so we get better things?
Not so sure anymore..

Happy 2014 people!
Right now: So in Love with this blue-eyed guy. He is not even real dude. I need to get a life.

ZOu <3 p="">