Tuesday 21 January 2014

Home is HERE and NOW!

They say that home is where the heart is :) (8)

Home =]
You would think home is this place where you grew up,
This place where mum and dad are,
This place where your best friends are,

But no,
Home is just wherever your heart is,
No matter where you are in the world,
If your heart is in that place,
If you are in love with that place,
This is where your home is =]

I used to hear people say, "There's no place like Home."
I am not "HOME" but I feel like I am,
I don't really miss home,
I am just happy,
I carry my heart with me,
And it's full of joy,
And here is where my heart is :)

It does not matter if mum & dad aren't here,
It does not matter if my friends aren't here,
Because I love this place and I want to create wonderful memories here,
I want to miss this place when I leave it,
I want to have the world's most beautiful friendship here,
I want to remember this place as my Home (:

Because your home is where your heart resides,
If your heart is not with you,
Then you aren't home,
And you aren't happy,

I am in a happy happy happy, EFFING HAPPY PLACE!
I love it here,
This is my HOME =]
And this is where my HEART is =]
And I don't mind losing my HEART here =]
Because I know,
When I leave,
I will carry with me,
Wonderful, Wonderful things & memories (:

They say that home is where your heart is =]

Believe them,
Home is where the Heart is,
And anywhere could be Home as long as you believe!!!

Happy Hugging Day!
Give me a HUG!

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