Wednesday 29 January 2014

Not February Yet!

Happy February! :)
[[Okay, it's not here yet? WHY?]]

Hello World!
It's been raining all day in London.

And London is now officially my favourite Cold and Grey Town,
Nothing beats a cold, grey and rainy London :)
It makes everything looks so,

Well, let's just say "like in books" :)

Like in books and fairy tales and plays,
London makes you want to recite crazy soliloquies,
London makes you want to dance in the rain,
London makes you want to not care about the world and do it all! =]

When you are finally living your dream,
It does not really matter who's around,
Because it's your dream not theirs :)

Like Lucas was asked, "Who do you want to be next to you when all your dreams come true?"
It does not matter,

Because when all your dreams come true,
It's all about you,
Not about them,
Not about the people in your life,
It's about you and your dreams and your hard work and how you reached your destination :)

So don't worry about people,
No matter how close they are,
When it's your time to shine,
Shine on your own,
Because being selfish is necessary. Sometimes. 
And because sometimes, you need to be the center of your own world :)

Happy End of January!
Happy Almost-Beginning-Of-February-The-Most-Amazing-Month-Of-The-Year! :)

Awesome people were born in February. ME. and TOM. But mostly ME.
Awww. I love ME :)
You should ALL love ME :)

Pink Nose =]