Wednesday 22 January 2014

Life is worth it!

Writing a research proposal can't be that bad.
It's horrible.
I can't even start it,
I just need to relax and go to the beach maybe.
I haven't been to the beach in ages,
The sand,
The water,
And everything else.

I need holidays. I need to go around the world. I need to lose myself.
Isn't it amazing?
To get lost and be at your wit's end so you can find yourself again?

I love LIFE =]
Probably the most complicated thing ever,
But, oh, so beautiful!

I used to be so horrible to myself,
To Life,
To people,
And then, I found out what a miracle Life is,
We are so lucky,
We can get up everyday,
Breathe fresh air,
Have amazing food,
What do we need more?
People around us love us (:

Life isn't horrible,

Just bear with it,
It can hurt a little,
But it won't be in vain, will it?

Life isn't full of sorrows,

Just stay strong,
It can get a little gloomy,
But when the Sun rises again, ain't it the most beautiful thing on earth?

Life is all about good and bad, ups and downs, right and wrong,
Just get over the bad,downs and wrong things,
Just keep up with the good, make the ups the best memories ever and let the right rule (:

Don't ever ever stop smiling or believing,
Because no matter how DARK,
It will always be brighter later,
No matter how lost you are,
You are bound to find your way at the end,
Even the tragic hero does! :P

Life is worth all the pain (:
Believe me,
I love my Life =]

Pink Nose :P