Din dhal jaE :)
Hello World! =]
I'm dead tired.
Also I found out my childhood friend deleted me from facebook [[No sarcasm here]] :)
I'll never get over this :) I will die *all the actions a drama queen in a bollywood movie would do*
Anyways, this got me thinking, why the hell do we delete people from our lives for no reasons?
Why is it that we have to stop talking to people out of the blue?
Did you just decided, on the spot that you hated somebody?
Or are we just pure hypocrites?
Well, some of us definitely are!
Also, let's talk about the love-hate relationships,
It is so easy to hate someone we have loved, said so people!
I still couldn't figure this one out,
As I said before,
Once you've loved someone, there is no going back,
How can we hate someone when we've loved them so much,
When we've laughed and cried with them,
When we've shared a part of our lives with them,
I believe it is utterly impossible to hate someone you have loved,
You can pretend you hate them,
You can hate what they did to you,
You can hate their guts,
But you can never hate them,
You will always, always love them,
But then again,
Maybe I haven't met someone who gave me enough reasons to hate them yet?
Or maybe, it's just the way I look at things,
I do hate people,
A number of them,
But I have never loved any of them before,
Every people I've loved,
I still love them,
With the same passion, and the same flame,
I just stopped showing it,
I just got used to their absence,
You can't hate when you have loved,
Love and hate is not the same thing,
Love and hate are not the two sides of the same coin,
They are so different,
Brasse-Bouillon said: "La haine est un levier plus puissant que l'amour."
You would kill someone because you hate them,
But you would die for someone you love!
I need to go talk to my slutty bff!
This post is not finished!
ZOu :)
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Love-Hate-Hate-Love :D
Posted by ZOu at 21:45 0 comments
Monday, 24 February 2014
Mind the gap!
I am on a train to Waterloo.
The weather is so beautiful today, it's sunny with the appropriate amount of breeze,
It's the kind of romantic weather, and you would want to go on a picnic and just lie in the sun breathing Life :)
I love how when you travel by train you see the most breathtaking scenery. I wish I could be on this train forever, and go through Kingston, Earlsfield, Raynes Park and Clapham Junction again and again :)
Sometimes it's moments like these,
They make you fall in love with Life and all it has to offer.
There is another thing about this journey,
It reminds me of another beautiful moment I wish I could live again and again.
A moment that will last forever.
The railway, the park, the scenery, the houses, the river.
Why would anyone want to be somewhere else in the world?
I'd stay on this train all my life,
It takes you to another world, to another era,
And you just don't want to wake up from this dream.
Some trains take us to specific destinations and some take us on a journey we just wish would never end!
#ilovelondon ♡
Pink Nose ☆
Posted by ZOu at 11:32 0 comments
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Tujhe mein rab dikhta hai!
AAH! Desi side activated. For some very obvious reasons. LALA!
Happy Sun-Rain-Day World! :)
Being Lazy FTW! Let's all be lazy bums and sleep in all day! :)
Still in PJs :)
I hate Sunday, I don't want to go to school tomorrow! :(
This ain't a post,
I am just ranting. It's all about the "I" :)
JKT is not in a mood to flirt with my potential yellow umbrella. Man :(
How will this ever work out?
Yeah, Because JKT flirts for me,
I am too high for this shit!
I am not sure how I will work my way through his heart -.-
I will just wait for JKT to do that too,
And I am lame! YAY!
DUDE! SRK IS IN. Let's all go crazy over hit SRK songs, because it's Sunday, and we are bored, and we are in love.
Posted by ZOu at 11:45 0 comments
Saturday, 22 February 2014
The Fever of First Love :)
“I am glad it cannot happen twice, the fever of first love. For it is a fever, and a burden, too, whatever the poets may say.” -DDM
I am re visiting my favourite book,
The book which made me fall in love with literature, and writing,
The book which made me fall in love with Shakespeare,
Even if it has nothing to do with Shakespeare,
There are so many beautiful quotes from this book,
I wish I could just pile them up all here!
Coming back to the above quote,
Ain't it true?
The fever of first love,
What on earth can be compared to this feeling of craziness, mixed with satisfaction and pure highness!
No, we never feel that again,
No matter what great love we encounter in life,
Nothing can be compared to your first love,
That moment you realised,
This is it, I am in love and I want this to last forever!
Nothing on earth can be compared to this moment. Nothing.
And a burden it is,
For you will carry with you the memory of this feeling forever,
You will carry it without being able to touch it,
You will carry this moment in your heart, without being able to live it again,
And with the hope that you can experience something similar,
But nothing will be similar to this fever,
You only get it once and all your life you live with memories of it,
But then,
I already had my first love,
Yes, it was beautiful and I have never felt the same again,
Does this mean,
This fever is gone? Forever?
Because I don't want it gone,
I want to die of this fever!
I want to feel it again and again,
Every morning,
Every night,
I want to be completely and uncontrollably in love with someone :)
And maybe I will be,
Because every new love is a first love,
If I fall in love again,
It won't be the same fever,
But a fever it will be,
Because when you fall in love, even for the nth time,
That moment is eternal,
It lasts forever,
And if you're lucky,
You live it everyday!
I know, I am kind of lovey-dovey today,
Don't blame me >.<
Blame HIM! That person making me happy on the other side of the world :$
Pink Nose x)
Posted by ZOu at 17:57 0 comments
Yellow Umbrella!
Okay, I've been struggling to write a post about my missing Yellow Umbrella since last night,
And then this morning I woke up,
Happy and very much in love,
Do not ask,
I finally found someone who's the male version of me,
I found someone who might be my very own Yellow Umbrella,
I found someone who just matches the check list and I am high on him!
A little bit too high I would say,
But who cares?
I get to fly on my bed and listen to the most romantic songs ever!
I get to be "in love" :)
You know what,
I had given up all hopes of ever finding someone who might check almost everything on the list,
And then,
I found this one,
Who pretty much scores high,
And now, I feel like I should not give up on my list, at any cost,
Someone is bound to come,
One day,
And he will have to be my yellow umbrella,
He will check every single thing on the list and I will be happy,
I won't have to deal with the nonsense of people who are like winds [[Sorry JKT, I know you believe in the wind type]]
JKT this morning sent me this :
"Like wtf, he's your type, you guys could be heart-broken together, it will be IN-TENSE!"
And I didn't even care how lame this made the both of us sound,
I was just happy that there still are people around the world who are as dramatic as I am :)
And I will find my dramatic yellow umbrella one day and he will make me feel like a princess in distress!
This whole sentence just reminded me of a famous GG quote,
"You can't save a Damsel, if she loves her distress!"
This is totally me! I love me!
Drama-Queen FTW!
And as for the yellow umbrella,
I realised I don't care how unrealistic it is, I am still going to believe that one day I will meet him,
The one with all the answers to my stupid questions,
The one who's going to do the rain dance for me,
The one who's going to read me poetry and sing to me every night,
The one who's going to love me in spite of my crazy crazy crazy and unchargetakeable [[Pls note this word was invented by Rocco for such dramatic situations]]self!
The one who's going to be my missing puzzle :)
I am not insane!
I am just a dreamer!
And sometimes, it's okay to believe in dreams,
Because, sometimes, they do come true!
Pink Nose :)
Posted by ZOu at 11:14 0 comments
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Blonde Moments!
Two And A Half Man. Arrg. Miss this show. [[I know it's not over, but, Charlie's not here anymore so shut up!]] [[My friends think I say Shut Up way too much. Shut up Friends!]]
"Did you hear, we might move to Mars." Yes, we are. Totally. Which spot are you going to choose?
I believe in aliens. Yes. The green creatures. They are alive somewhere, on another planet.
Are you serious? You might as well dye your hair blonde now. PLEASE.
And a bunch of other seriously blonde comments. Today in lab.
I swear, we are way too sexy for this shit. We can't be logical. We are better off as a bunch of dumbos.
Somehow, just stepping in that lab class make us dumb. FY STATS! And the answer to this was :
Every year it's the same song, this is the last time in my life I'll do maths. Yeah, keep talking.
I'm pretty sure next year I'll be doing that crap again. -.-
Anyways, this was just my quick post to say hello world! we hate stats and logic is definitely not our cup of tea and we love tea. but yeah, also what the hell?
Have it, you know you want it.
WHAT? Shut up man, making me fat -.-
[[Yeah, me and Elisha. Chocolate and tea and stats, definitely things we love and hate, we are bipolar!]]
Have an amazing night world,
Even if it's not night,
In some places,
I live in the future,
You live in the past,
JUST MAKE THE LINK OKAY! IF It's PAST NINE O'CLOCK in LONDON, and it's still FOUR in TORONTO. Then, that's the past IDIOT. Just go dye your hair blonde. -.-
But, I kind of live in the past too, since it's already the 21st in Mauritius. OH SHUT UP! This whole time-thing is confusing.
Don't confuse yourself,
We've had way too many blonde moments today. Way too many.
Love you all,
PinkNose x)
Posted by ZOu at 21:19 0 comments
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
TooMuchLove :)
Did I mention how loved I am?
Yeah, I did that,
Man, people are making emotional. I need to cry now. My Drama-Queen-ness is showing! I was just going through some posts I never posted, and I am glad I never did, they were just full of bitterness and blah! I am too happy for this shit, and people love me too much. I can't be depressed. Depression should not even be a choice. When you have the world loving and caring for you, you can not, at any point, mention sadness or loneliness. Because, shut up, that's why!
You know, sometimes it's just right to stop and fly. LITERALLY FLY! Because you know your life is awesome and you know you are genuinely happy. It's your moment. Take it and feel the love, the life and the joy. Right now, I feel like I am TheEnglishTeacher, experiencing epiphany and I am ready for nirvana. Oh man, it's like I reached self-actualization. Maybe, my Drama-Queen-ness is showing too much and you feel I am exaggerating. I am not! Shut up! My life is amazing. I have wonderful people around me, whether they are here or at the other end of the world; the people in my life are the best, and I am glad I have them.
So, if at any stupid point in my life I post some depressing posts about how I hate my life and I feel lonely, just give me a high five-in the face-with a chair! Because I do not have the right to complain. I am over-loved. I cannot complain about loneliness or sorrows or whateverthehell!
I don't know about the rest of the world, but I feel pretty spoiled. Maybe the rest of the world is lonely and love-less and friend-less. Their bad. Even if I am not quite sure if I deserve all this love, I am pretty selfish about it, I am going to keep these people to myself and not share them. And at this point, I don't even feel scared I might lose them. Nope. No chance. I have lost so many people over the years, and over the years these people never left and I know they won't, ever. They are going to be there when I am on my deathbed and they are going to be laughing at me! :)
I am not going to say Thanks again, because this is getting annoying.I'll just be my usual love-slut and say I love you guys so so so so so much. You have no idea how happy and fulfilled you make me feel. I am at this point in my life where all I need is you guys and nothing else. Nothing, really!
Farah x
Posted by ZOu at 18:57 0 comments
A Critical Review of A.R's LovePaper [[2009]]
"If music be the food of love, play on, give me more.." -T.N [[W.S.]]
"When the music disturbs, then what do you do?" [[A.R : Somebody even more deep than Shakespeare, I daresay!]]
I have no idea what to do in this case! Maybe forego the food of love and go on a diet!
I read this thing you [[A.R]] wrote when we were freaking eighteen years old, and you wanted to know the meaning of Love.
You did a great job figuring this shit out,
I, on the other hand, meh!
Beautifully failed in understanding what Love really is,
I used to look for love where there were none,
I used to look for love in places it was never born,
I used to look for love where I wanted to find it,
And I used to be blind,
To real love,
And the "purest form of love" :) [[Somehow, this line has got to win the Best Line of the Year!]]
Your note says,
Farah's definition of love? "I love him"
Yeah, it was probably love, because it consumed me,
But it was not a real definition of love,
Love is something beyond selfishness,
Love is not about you, it's about the people around you, or that significant other,
You cannot define love,
It comes in all form and shapes,
And I will say,
It's not always the same,
Love grows and changes [[in a good way]],
Love is eternal, not ephemeral,
You live with it all your life, even if it went wrong,
Your note says,
Ash's definition of love? "I can't fall in love, not now!"
You can never choose,
Love will happen, at any time,
I want to fall in love. NOW.
But it's not happening, probably because it's not my time to love and be loved,
Love will take you by surprise and will make everything else seems surreal!
"Love makes you the happiest and the saddest as well" [[A.R. I'm telling you, deeper than Shakespeare!]]
Love will blow your mind,
It will make you dream and will make your life sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Love will be the reason you want to live,
But yeah,
Love is also bitter,
It can tear your heart apart and pull you into such darkness,
You will not know how to get away from it,
Love is not a myth, as some might say,
Love is real, it's just that we never realise where to find it,
Until it's too late,
"What's the use of loving, if you don't get the taste of pain it brings?" [[A.R. Go on, write book now!]]
What is it really?
If you don't fall in love,
Then you have never loved,
Because in love, it is important to cry and have your heart broken,
To understand the true and real meaning of love,
The pain of the romantic love will give you the chance to discover the purest form of love,
You have to go through the pain,
"Only know you love her, when you let her go!" Or even "It's not always rainbows and butterflies!"
"by admitting your love, the sky won't fall on your head!" [[A.R. you did a great job!]]
Will it not?
Admit your love for someone,
Yes, do it because Life is too short to wait for tomorrow or the perfect moment,
The moment you fall in love,
That moment should be the moment you say it,
Because you don't wait to miss your train! [[Ah pit! Our line : I MISSED MY TRAIN!]]
Just say it and admit it to yourself,
It will avoid all the unnecessary drama!
And I have to include this quote here,
This quote defined my love life for a long time,
And this quote is arguable! [[AAH! Don't be all psy here Farah!]]
"Whatever may happen,
If the love is true,
You'll end up together!" [[A.R. during our wisest days!]]
And maybe not,
Because sometimes just having true love is not enough,
Sometimes you need more,
Sometimes you need to be sincere,
You need to be true to yourself,
You need to be courageous,
You need to accept your love,
So, yeah,
Just having true love is not always the catalyst for a happy ending,
Sometimes, it requires a lot more,
Maybe, you need to put in your soul!
And here, five years later,
Did you get the answers to all those questions about love?
You will probably tell me no,
I will probably say yes,
We are probably both wrong,
There is still so much we need to learn in Love =]
A.R. I love you. And I don't need any of those shitty quotes to tell you how much!
You are my purest form of love!
Pink-Nose! x
Posted by ZOu at 12:51 0 comments
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Twenty Three.
I am officially TWENTY THREE.
What's exciting about being 23?
Since I am a normally bubbly person, being 23 just amplifies my bubbliness! :) [[Not a word, I know, shut it]]
This is just my quick post to say how disappointed I am in each and every one of you. YOU DID NOT GET THE LIST OR WHAT? It said specifically : NUMBER ONE.
The only one who made all my wishes come true was JKT.
JKT should be a man, with huge hands, and I'd marry the shit out of him -.-
Okay, jokes apart,
This post is dedicated to everyone who made yesterday one of the best birthdays ever.
I find myself saying this line every year and I realise how blessed I am to have such amazing people around me.
People who would just move mountains to make me smile and make me feel special.
I don't even know how to thank you guys,
You make me *senti* :)
Anii, thank you, for being there, every birthday, every day, and for being there even when your world is falling apart,
I don't know how much you love me [[too much probably]] but I'm sure I'll never be able to love you back as much and I am sorry for that.
You are miles away, and you still made me happy on my birthday :)
JKT. Where should I start? The every single day phone calls? The whatsapp message? THE CRAZY MADE UP STORIES ABOUT MY CELEBRITY CRUSH. Man, are you even human? You were made to put up with my daily nonsense and you excel at it. Thank you for this amazing Tom-Poo-LaPompe-Willy-ChocolateCake-HugeHands wish :) You are my soul mate. I think even the love of my life would fail compared to you. Thank you. IBlueFrenchHornYou man <3 i="">3>
Pit. FY. Seriously. Thank you for spending time with me on my birthday, even if you had a big thing to submit on the next day. You are my little gay bff and Ily :)
Elisha & Hiro : You guys haven't been here long, but you still managed to make my birthday amazing. Ily people!
Mum,Fi,Dad,Nad,Han,Boule,Mickey,Dorad,Conolel and all the Dookhith family members, thank you for always always always being here, and unlike the rest of my relatives, for loving me against all odds!
Aslam & Razia: For the craziest surprise birthday party ever. I love you people. You are more than my family, you make everyday worth it :)
And every other person who made me laugh or smile on my birthday, thank you!
My birthday is like a big deal for me,
Having people around me making it even more of a big deal is pretty much awesome!
I am so grateful for each and every one of you!
If I could choose, I'd still choose each one of you people, because you complete who I am and you make every sorrow lame compared to the amount of love you bestow on me every day!
You make me thank God that some people left,
Because if they hadn't,
I'd probably never meet some of you people,
And I'd never know what it is to be loved!
I don't need the "romantic" love,
I have better,
I have the "purest form of love" :)
And nothing in this world can be greater than that!
Not even T.H man! This guy fails lamely when it comes to you!
You people are my everything!
Someone once told me, "Don't make a person your strength, he/she will always disappoint,"
That person is so wrong,
And that person is probably the loneliest person in the world,
You people are my strength and you never disappoint,
I might disappoint,
But I know you would never,
You are always going to hold me when I fall,
And you are always going to turn on the light when my world is dark!
Happy23rdZOuBanana! :)
Posted by ZOu at 18:58 0 comments
Sunday, 16 February 2014
23SongsYouNeedToListenTo :D
I've died everyday waiting for you!
This quote is just heartbreaking,
Let's listen to some great (23) songs!
1. You're Beautiful, because there is so many memories linked to this song, and because it's one of my favourites. James, you are just perfect!
2. Your arms feel like home- 3 Doors Down because somebody I love sent me this song once, and it's been on my playlist ever since :) And also, it's beautiful!
3. Aashiyan- Barfi, it reminds me of wonderful moments I had with my baby niece :)
4. Annie- James again! This song. You know why I love this song right?
5. Fell in love without you- The heartbreaks!
6. The Go! Team, Huddle Formation because OTH, that's why, there are so many amazing songs from OTH, but this one just stands out because it's so crazy! :)
7. I Knew I loved you before I met you! I have been waiting all my life :D
8. I'm yours- Jason Mraz, love love love love this song. Our last school week.
9. Jaane Kyun! ILY ANII! :D
10. Nadaan Parinde. There is no way this song does not make my list!
11. Pehla Nasha. Epic Song Man.
12. She Will Be Loved. Enough Said.
13.Simple Song. HIMYM that's why.
14. Thinking Of You. <3 font="">3>
15. Truly Madly Deeply. QB School Bus =]
16. Are We There Yet, this song is dreamy :)
17. Angels flying too close to the ground, love love loveeeee. If music be the food of love :P
18. Yehi Woh Jaga Hai, this song. I love the person who introduced me to this song, it defines so many moments of my life perfectly.
19. Sweet and Low. Raaaaaaiiiiiinnnnn :)
20. Stay the night. James, you kill me!
21. I'll be there for you! FRIENDS =]
22. Halo, i love this song. (:
Happy Mauritius-wallah-time Birthday to me :D
Posted by ZOu at 19:47 0 comments
It's Sunny, Be Happy!
So you're leaving, in the morning..
Don't be a Drama Queen, AGAIN!
So what if we can't lie on our good old basket ball ground,
Trying to find our names in the middle of thousands of clouds,
Smile and live your life to the fullest =]
Posted by ZOu at 17:01 2 comments
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Do not become the tragic hero =]
Have you ever cursed yourself because you did a mistake?
Have you ever hated yourself for crossing the line?
Have you ever become like the tragic hero, trying to cause their own destruction?
We have all been there,
We have all lived this moment,
None of us are saints and we all did our share of mistake,
So why do we, so often, punish ourselves for those mistakes?
Why do we hate ourselves because we did something wrong?
Why do we drown into our faults and forget to live again?
It is okay to make mistakes,
No matter how big and how horrible those mistakes are,
Each and every one of us have been there,
We broke hearts,
We broke relationships,
We hurt people,
We hurt those we love,
So what?
It happens to everyone,
Don't hate yourself for something you did,
You can not change it,
Don't blame yourself for everything that went wrong,
Maybe it was meant to be this way,
Don't force yourself to be lonely,
You can live happily, and guiltless even if you did mistakes,
Forgive yourself,
If the other person chooses to never forgive you,
Forgive yourself,
Because if you don't,
You will never get past the feeling of guilt,
And it's going to kill your soul,
Don't let your mistakes rule your life,
Don't let your mistakes determine who you become next,
Don't let your mistakes shatter your soul,
We are all entitled to do mistakes,
How else are we going to learn and grow?
We are all allowed forgiveness,
How else are we going to move on in life?
Don't let a moment of weakness determine how you will spend the rest of your life,
Accept yourself as you are,
With all your mistakes and learn to forgive yourself,
Don't become the tragic hero [[This dude is going to die, eventually]],
Become the person you want to be,
And live without any guilt of the past!
Pink Nose =]
Posted by ZOu at 14:57 0 comments
Friday, 14 February 2014
Happy Red Day!
My Valentine sent me this :
YES! At least I have a Valentine, suckers!
Happy Valentines Day World!
Everyone is going red today, yay!
This post is just a reminder that today is Red Day.
And that I am a typical lame female [[According to JKT]],
Because I love romance,
And songs, and poetry and I believe in the perfect love story,
Which ain't happening,
I'll just make up scenarios in my mind.
Because let's face it,
No one got time for this shit.
Moving on,
Don't forget, you'll get killed!
ZOu (:
Posted by ZOu at 11:31 1 comments
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Stupid Things We Did When We Were In Love!
Somebody posted a picture on facebook : It's amazing how stupid you can be in love.
And a friend said : Especially if you were already stupid before falling in love.
I love my people!
But isn't it true? How "falling in love" makes you do crazy things?
Let's see all the stupid things my friends and I have done in love:
1. Crying in the middle of St Jo. Are you serious? WTH was that?
2. Crying in the middle of the mall because he left with someone else. Lame. I am lame.
3. Fighting with your best friend because she/he does not approve of "him". Let's get serious, the best friend is ALWAYS right.
4. 100 + missed calls. Because being a bitch is what I do best.
5. Stalking. Adding the bf's (girl) friends and stalking them. Because wtf?
6. Spending money on extremely expensive gifts for your bf/gf to show them how much you care. WHAT? I was crazy man.
7. Drunk text/call. This is like the top one.
8. Being blind. LITERALLY. to all the cheating and shit. WHY? Were we dumb? -.-
9. Total break down during the summer of "our" lives because of a stupid fight. I missed so many important things because I was stupid. ARRG.
10. Supporting smoking. HAHA! "He's not the right one for you, he smokes, you hate smoking!" "SHUT UP! I LOVE SMOKING,SMOKING IS SO IN!" Omg. stupid stupid people.
11. Coming up with crazy theories that he is cheating. Actually fucking create a story that makes so much sense, your best friend starts believing in it too. WTH man?
12. Not getting out of your house. You might see him. Are you serious?
13. Hating on his ex. Stalking her. Believing they are still on a talking basis.
14. Getting fat because you broke up. And crying all day.
And I can't seem to remember more. WHY >.<
I'm pretty sure we did the lamest things when we were in love.
Why though?
When you are in love, it is supposed to be amazing,
You are not supposed to be a psycho,
Or a hysterical bitch,
You are supposed to believe in it and have faith.
I'll just be the most hysterical bitch ever, ALWAYS.
I am stupid when I am in love and I like it that way,
I just need to find someone who wants to embrace me and all my crap!
If no one volunteers,
It's okay!
Everything is awesome! :)
Posted by ZOu at 17:06 2 comments
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
That One Moment Will Last Forever!
I won't give up! On US! Even if the skies get rough! I'm giving you ALL my LOVE! :)
Happy Wednesday World!
I hope wherever you are in the world, it is a sunny sunny sunny day,
Because here, it's just plain RAIN!
And there's no sign of SNOW!
I am bored.
JKT is not here today,
I am so bored :/
You know what, I just remembered one of the best days of my life and it's making me so happy,
Actually, it was more of a moment,
A moment that will last forever,
No matter what happened and where we stand today,
There is this moment,
When all of us were on that pier, lying down in the sun, listening to the world's most beautiful song and laughing out crazily,
YES! That one,
It's one of the most beautiful moments of our lives,
We were happy and we were all in love with each other,
We believed that nothing could break us apart,
Because we had each other,
And life was all about us!
That one moment is going to be alive in my heart forever,
I know it's the same for each one of you,
No matter where you are right now and whatever you are doing,
If you just close your eyes and go back to that moment,
Doesn't the world feel like a better place?
I know, it does!
Nothing lasts forever they said,
Some do,
Some amazing moments last until our very last breaths,
And that moment is one of those things that no one can take away from us,
Not even time,
Because even, after years, when you think about that moment,
It's still the same,
Full of joy and love,
No one can touch that moment, except us,
Because it's going to be alive in our hearts,
Yes! This rain. So dramatic. And melancholic.
Posted by ZOu at 13:22 0 comments
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
23PlacesWeNeedToVisitThisYear =]
23 Places We Are Going To When You Come This Year:
1. Central London. At Night Or Early In The Morning. Because there's nothing more amazing. Just being there when the rest of the world is sleeping!
2. Edinburgh. Because it's old. And it gives you the Hogwarts-feeling!
3. Bournesmouth. Awesome people live there. And it's pretty amazing.
4. Canterbury. Because I need to hook up with someone there. Uhm.
5. Stratford Upon Avon. Shakespeare. Enough Said.
Posted by ZOu at 20:31 0 comments
Accept the happiness you deserve!
"On ne construit pas un bonheur, sur les ruines d'une longue misere." -VaP
Ah! I love this quote [Do I keep getting my inspiration from quotes? wtf.].
I used this quote once in a post,
When I used it the first time, my heart was filled with pain,
And it had a completely different meaning in my eyes,
But when I read this quote now,
I see something else,
I see despair and negativity in the one who came up with this line,
It is so deep, I know, I studied this thing,
But why?
Why is it not possible to be happy after years and years of sorrows?
Why are we afraid to go forward and accept our share of happiness?
Yes, when we have been through a lot, we feel it's never going to be sunny again,
We feel happiness is just a myth,
It's true and it's right to feel so,
But it's also right to get past this feeling,
To open the door to our happiness and let the sorrow be where it belongs- in the past.
It does not take a lot to be happy,
Just look around you and feel it,
It will hurt, it will always hurt,
Because all those pain are part of you, a part of your story,
But you can also let the happy moments be a part of you,
You can also let the light come in and spread through your story,
Why do you have to be bent on living in pain when you know you can accept what is rightfully yours?
It's so simple, and people try to look for it in places they will never find it,
It's everywhere,
It's in the tiniest things/moments,
You can find happiness within yourself,
You can be happy complying to basic things,
No pain is ever too big,
No heartache is ever so deep you can not get over,
It does not do to keep drowning in your sorrows,
You can take a step forward,
And be happy!
Because at the end,
It won't matter,
At the end,
You will remember only the good moments, the happy days :)
So laugh a lot and be happy,
Even if there's so much sorrow you carry with you,
We all do,
But somehow, we learn to ignore it and accept what Life has to offer,
A few laughters and smiles :)
ZOu x)
Posted by ZOu at 13:20 0 comments
Monday, 10 February 2014
Die with Memories, Not Dreams!
Die with Memories, Not Dreams!
I just saw this on someone's skype: GOOD!
Source of Inspiration FTW!
Die with memories, not dreams!
Make your dreams come true,
Live them,
And make these dreams your reality,
Make these dreams the life you want,
Don't die with your dreams still unfulfilled,
Die with memories,
Memories of the dreams you have lived,
Memories of days you wanted to have,
Memories you are going to be proud of,
So many people give up,
They give up on their dreams,
They wake up and live a boring life,
Forgetting that there's something exciting about life,
Something they want to do,
Something they are too afraid to do,
So afraid,
Everyday they choose to give up on their dreams,
Don't give up,
On any dream,
Because dreams DO COME TRUE!
Work hard for it,
Be courageous,
Go for it,
Don't just give up,
It's not going to be easy,
But it's going to be worth it,
Because it's your dream,
And you,
Only you have the right to live it,
Take the chance,
Live your dream,
And die with beautiful memories of the dream you've lived,
Because once you've lived your dream,
Everything will make sense,
Everything will be worth it,
You know what?
I am going to live my dream,
Every morning,
When I wake up,
I'll choose to follow my heart and I'll take the EFFING right bus,
Because I don't want to look back and regret,
I don't want to look back and realise I lost what I wanted the most in Life,
I want to look back and smile,
Because I did what I always dreamt of doing [[ Loki: I DO WHAT I WANT! :P]]
And even if I fail,
I'll be happy,
Because I fulfilled the tiniest part of my dream,
I tried :)
Do the same!
Let your dream be your destination,
Don't give up because you feel it's not worth it,
It is!!!
Don't give up because you have a lame dream,
It's not!!
Live your Dream,
And die with memories! :)
Pink Nose x)
Posted by ZOu at 19:20 0 comments