Thursday 20 February 2014

Blonde Moments!

Two And A Half Man. Arrg. Miss this show. [[I know it's not over, but, Charlie's not here anymore so shut up!]] [[My friends think I say Shut Up way too much. Shut up Friends!]]

"Did you hear, we might move to Mars."  Yes, we are. Totally. Which spot are you going to choose? 
I believe in aliens. Yes. The green creatures. They are alive somewhere, on another planet.
Are you serious? You might as well dye your hair blonde now. PLEASE. 

And a bunch of other seriously blonde comments. Today in lab.
I swear, we are way too sexy for this shit. We can't be logical. We are better off as a bunch of dumbos. 

Somehow, just stepping in that lab class make us dumb. FY STATS! And the answer to this was :

And I have no idea why the sharks are present in this picture. Nope. Don't get it. Way too dumb!

Every year it's the same song, this is the last time in my life I'll do maths. Yeah, keep talking. 
I'm pretty sure next year I'll be doing that crap again. -.-

Anyways, this was just my quick post to say hello world! we hate stats and logic is definitely not our cup of tea and we love tea. but yeah, also what the hell?


Have it, you know you want it.
WHAT? Shut up man, making me fat -.-

 [[Yeah, me and Elisha. Chocolate and tea and stats, definitely things we love and hate, we are bipolar!]]

Have an amazing night world,
Even if it's not night,
In some places,
I live in the future,
You live in the past,
JUST MAKE THE LINK OKAY! IF It's PAST NINE O'CLOCK in LONDON, and it's still FOUR in TORONTO. Then, that's the past IDIOT. Just go dye your hair blonde. -.-
But, I kind of live in the past too, since it's already the 21st in Mauritius. OH SHUT UP! This whole time-thing is confusing.
Don't confuse yourself, 
We've had way too many blonde moments today. Way too many.

Love you all,

PinkNose x)