Tuesday 11 February 2014

Accept the happiness you deserve!

"On ne construit pas un bonheur, sur les ruines d'une longue misere." -VaP

Ah! I love this quote [Do I keep getting my inspiration from quotes? wtf.].
I used this quote once in a post, 
When I used it the first time, my heart was filled with pain,
And it had a completely different meaning in my eyes,

But when I read this quote now,
I see something else,
I see despair and negativity in the one who came up with this line,
It is so deep, I know, I studied this thing,
But why?
Why is it not possible to be happy after years and years of sorrows?

Why are we afraid to go forward and accept our share of happiness?
Yes, when we have been through a lot,  we feel it's never going to be sunny again,
We feel happiness is just a myth,
It's true and it's right to feel so,
But it's also right to get past this feeling,
To open the door to our happiness and let the sorrow be where it belongs- in the past.

It does not take a lot to be happy,
Just look around you and feel it,
It will hurt, it will always hurt,
Because all those pain are part of you, a part of your story,
But you can also let the happy moments be a part of you,
You can also let the light come in and spread through your story,

Why do you have to be bent on living in pain when you know you can accept what is rightfully yours?

It's so simple, and people try to look for it in places they will never find it,
It's everywhere,
It's in the tiniest things/moments,
You can find happiness within yourself,
You can be happy complying to basic things,

No pain is ever too big,
No heartache is ever so deep you can not get over,
It does not do to keep drowning in your sorrows,
You can take a step forward,
And be happy!
Because at the end,
It won't matter,
At the end,
You will remember only the good moments, the happy days :)

So laugh a lot and be happy,

Even if there's so much sorrow you carry with you,
We all do,
But somehow, we learn to ignore it and accept what Life has to offer,
A few laughters and smiles :)

ZOu x)