Saturday 22 February 2014

Yellow Umbrella!

Okay, I've been struggling to write a post about my missing Yellow Umbrella since last night,
And then this morning I woke up,
Happy and very much in love,
Do not ask,
I finally found someone who's the male version of me,
I found someone who might be my very own Yellow Umbrella,
I found someone who just matches the check list and I am high on him! 

A little bit too high I would say,
But who cares?
I get to fly on my bed and listen to the most romantic songs ever!
I get to be "in love" :)

You know what,
I had given up all hopes of ever finding someone who might check almost everything on the list,
And then, 
I found this one,
Who pretty much scores high,
And now, I feel like I should not give up on my list, at any cost,

Someone is bound to come,
One day,
And he will have to be my yellow umbrella,
He will check every single thing on the list and I will be happy,
I won't have to deal with the nonsense of people who are like winds [[Sorry JKT, I know you believe in the wind type]]

JKT this morning sent me this :

"Like wtf, he's your type, you guys could be heart-broken together, it will be IN-TENSE!"

And I didn't even care how lame this made the both of us sound,
I was just happy that there still are people around the world who are as dramatic as I am :)
And I will find my dramatic yellow umbrella one day and he will make me feel like a princess in distress!
This whole sentence just reminded me of a famous GG quote,

"You can't save a Damsel, if she loves her distress!"

This is totally me! I love me!
Drama-Queen FTW!

And as for the yellow umbrella,

I realised I don't care how unrealistic it is, I am still going to believe that one day I will meet him,
The one with all the answers to my stupid questions,
The one who's going to do the rain dance for me,
The one who's going to read me poetry and sing to me every night,
The one who's going to love me in spite of my crazy crazy crazy and unchargetakeable [[Pls note this word was invented by Rocco for such dramatic situations]]self!
The one who's going to be my missing puzzle :)

I am not insane!
I am just a dreamer! 

And sometimes, it's okay to believe in dreams,
Because, sometimes, they do come true!

Pink Nose :)