Saturday 8 February 2014

Title proposed by JKT: "All about Me"

Spending the day reading stupid stupid advice,
I can't take this shit anymore,
I am just going back to falling in love with T.H.
It's so much easier,
I don't have much to do, just swoon in front of his picture all day, dream about him all night and pretend it's mutual! YAY!

Awfully sunny today,
I love how when it is sunny, it reminds me of Home,
Because even if I lived in the rainiest place,
The Sun was just ah-mazing!
Not that I am missing home,
Nope, no chance,
I am an awful person,
I don't even miss it. 
I am just chilling here and being all "I'm never leaving this place!"

Tomorrow is my birthday! I swear! :D
Okay, it's not, but it's Tom's! YAY!
Mine is not far, 9 more days, just 9! AAAAAAH! So excited! 

Literally flying.

Random posts are the best,
I don't have to try hard,
I just drop a load of crap here and that's it!

Moving on,
I have decided that some people need to shut the eff up!
I did not exactly decide it,
Anii did, and she was pretty serious about it,
Because you ain't Shakespeare/Wordsworth dude,
So calm the eff down :)
Thanks :)
Go back to being boring, you are not needed here!

Did you know Muscle Man has a girlfriend? I was astounded! I mean, Muscle Man? Are you serious :S

Talking about Shakespeare here,
This guy was just dreamy,
Let's all date Shakespeare! 

I don't think you can beat this level of randomness!

You were made for the big times,
They said you're a star to be in the NME,
But the walls came tumbling,
Down, down!
Will you go down on me? [[Nope.]]

Thank you Anii,
You don't know what you are to me,
You brightened my day this morning,
You brought me back to life,

All those posts I wrote about friendship and friends,
You are all those posts,
You are always, always, always there,
You are there even when I am not,
And you know exactly what to say to make everything easy,

I don't know what I'd do without you!
I'd just give up on life every single time a wave came my way,

I'd just run away from the shore and never set foot on a beach again,
I'd just give up on all my dreams!

In convo with JKT :)