Sunday 9 February 2014

HappyBirthday ♡

Happy Sunday World!

"To live is the rarest thing in the world.  Most people exist and that is all." - O.W

Don't be that person.
The one who's just living because he has to,
Don't be that person who just sees life as a burden,
Don't be that person,

Be someone who falls in love with life every new day,
Be someone who loves waking up every morning,
Be someone who believes.
Someone who believes life is a gift,
Someone who believes every problem has a solution,
Someone who believes in a better tomorrow.

Don't be that person who gives up every time something horrible comes his way,
That person who just wants to give up on life because someone close to them gave up on them,
That person who keeps falling in a dark pit every new day,
Don't be that person. I was that person for a while.  Nothing good came out of it. I never got back what I lost.

Believe in yourself.
Believe in the beauty of life.
Believe in the people around you.
Believe in those who never left.
Because life is beautiful and it is worth living,
No matter how hard things get,
No matter how bad your days are,
Live it.
Live your life.
Be alive,
Don't just be a zombie :)
Because everything's awesome =]

Anddddd it's February.  Nothing can go wrong in February.  Get crazy. Give up on the darkness and stop waiting for the sun to rise! Buy yourself a fucking torchlight and turn it on :)

Be awesome!
Okay this part of the post is dedicated to
JKT: Believe in the checklist man!!! Don't give up on it ♡

Anii: When all else fails, believe in me. Because I'll be here. ALWAYS!!!

#8DaysToGo: Is everyone doing an awesome job? [[Did you check the wishlist before shopping for my birthday?]]

Happy Birthday Tom ♡ [[Thanks for ruining the checklist for me -,- ily.]]
Have an awesome Sunday World!!!!
Pink Nose ♥