Thursday 27 February 2014

Love-Hate-Hate-Love :D

Din dhal jaE :)

Hello World! =]

I'm dead tired.
Also I found out my childhood friend deleted me from facebook [[No sarcasm here]] :)
I'll never get over this :) I will die *all the actions a drama queen in a bollywood movie would do*

Anyways, this got me thinking, why the hell do we delete people from our lives for no reasons?
Why is it that we have to stop talking to people out of the blue?
Did you just decided, on the spot that you hated somebody?

Or are we just pure hypocrites?
Well, some of us definitely are!

Also, let's talk about the love-hate relationships,
It is so easy to hate someone we have loved, said so people!
I still couldn't figure this one out,

As I said before,
Once you've loved someone, there is no going back,
How can we hate someone when we've loved them so much,
When we've laughed and cried with them,
When we've shared a part of our lives with them,
I believe it is utterly impossible to hate someone you have loved,

You can pretend you hate them,
You can hate what they did to you,
You can hate their guts,
But you can never hate them,
You will always, always love them,
But then again,
Maybe I haven't met someone who gave me enough reasons to hate them yet?
Or maybe, it's just the way I look at things,

I do hate people,

A number of them,
But I have never loved any of them before,

Every people I've loved,
I still love them,
With the same passion, and the same flame,
I just stopped showing it,
I just got used to their absence,

You can't hate when you have loved,

Love and hate is not the same thing,
Love and hate are not the two sides of the same coin,
They are so different,

Brasse-Bouillon said: "La haine est un levier plus puissant que l'amour."

You would kill someone because you hate them,
But you would die for someone you love!

I need to go talk to my slutty bff!
This post is not finished! 

ZOu :)